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1. CCP hates finnish people! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Raivotar on 09/04/2008 15:13:07 Originally by: Winterblink Hey, Finland's still around? I thought they were Finnished? *runs for the hills* WB, i think its time for your monthly spanking. *gets bullwhip from closet* -...
- by Raivotar - at 2008.04.09 15:12:00
2. Finnish scene of Eve Online - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
You fail. Taas :D ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2008.02.18 11:45:00
3. New Dev Blog, Prism X and the Space Junk - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Everything must go. Some people just don't get it. Im backing this 100%. ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2008.02.16 23:05:00
4. [Movie] This Is Eve II - in My EVE [original thread]
n+1's! ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2008.02.16 20:30:00
5. The coalition must save Finfleet - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
Edited by: Raivotar on 31/01/2008 12:56:31 Originally by: Siddy Finfleet is more build araund Top Gun than any nationality realy... It just, we finns got this weak spot in our hearts for it. THIS \o/ Danger Zone. FinFleets lo...
- by Raivotar - at 2008.01.31 12:56:00
6. The coalition must save Finfleet - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
Shave the FinFleet? Originally by: Siddy Im oldschool Finfleet, can i be your CEO? And by oldschool, im mean realy old school, back when Mr Blackwell played and klezz was not into little boys. Whole CA and russians feared us. an...
- by Raivotar - at 2008.01.31 08:56:00
7. Drone Weapon upgrade - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
They tested it in SiSi and it was stupid. ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2007.12.27 12:35:00
8. Tortuga - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
For The TORTUGA! ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2007.12.15 20:40:00
9. New Balkan Mafia - Second movie - in My EVE [original thread]
Music was nice. Fights mostly ganks and i didnt like middle part with moody thing. It has been done better. Overall decend. ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2007.07.27 09:09:00
10. [Video] Fleetbattle Cruel Intentions vs bruce. - in My EVE [original thread]
audio and video stutters like hell with my comp. Tried couple players but result was same. :( ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2007.07.26 10:59:00
11. Hulk BPO stolen? - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Edited by: Raivotar on 04/07/2007 18:41:57 Umm yea like stolen from who? From ORE? and that aint huge "scam". Would have been like year ago but todays prices... nope. ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. ...
- by Raivotar - at 2007.07.04 18:43:00
12. The Mercenary Coalition's big decision... - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
Im naked... and damn beautiful. Ok, whose turn it is? twister i mean. ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2007.06.17 14:23:00
13. RED vs Lotka Volterra capital ships battle - in My EVE [original thread]
Nice piece of cap action but you could have speeded it little, 2x or 3x. Lasted forever. :) ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2007.02.03 16:53:00
14. Curse Alliance - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
What? Whats in their back? Capes? Trolls? Yoda?! ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2007.01.15 20:51:00
15. Voluntary BM deletetion? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Just delete instaBM's. CCP didnt say it just for fun of it. ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2006.11.30 06:18:00
16. Where is the Hurricanes 7th Turret? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Edited by: Raivotar on 29/11/2006 08:03:36 M atars, A ll T ears A s R emembered I just had to... ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2006.11.29 08:02:00
17. MC are not true mercenaries - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread] in line , thx. ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2006.11.13 14:52:00
18. Just some questions about ASCN and MC - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
I can settle this.. its 42. Honest. ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2006.10.22 16:07:00
19. NSN + TC leave MC? - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
Braaaiiinnsss....BRAAAAIIINNNSSS!! ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2006.10.22 16:06:00
20. What is the logic behind making the T3 Caldari BS a gunship? - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
You ask logic , you shall get it. Griffin - Blackbird - Scorpion Kestrel - Caracal - Raven Merlin - Moa - Rokh Done. Next? :) ------------------------------------------------ I'm scissors. Nerf rocks. Paper is fine.
- by Raivotar - at 2006.10.21 00:11:00
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