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41. Epic Fail in advertising EVE online as a game. - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
So I am going to agree with some others here. One, you are not a New Player, nor are you posting a new Player Q or A (so I will move this to General Discussion) There is no real discussion in this topic. Quote: 23. Post constructively. Nega...
- by ISD Gallifreyan - at 2016.05.12 19:42:27
42. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Taira Arois wrote: It seems that control sample 100455950 has been mislabled. The correct answer was Nuclear bodies (few) but there are more than 5 spots in every cell. This probably needs to be changed to Nuclear bodies (many). Please repor...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.05.02 11:25:43
43. Project Discovery - Changes to the scoring system - in Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center [original thread]
Tanya Anatolia wrote: Skimmed through a good share of this thread, but with good reason, I have a personal gripe about a bad slide. Normally I'm fine with one that's a little grey zone or hard to classify, and I admit I've gotten my fair share ...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.29 13:38:42
44. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Raven Dallacort wrote: Could we take a look at this control sample as well please.
I believe both should be the correct answer. There's an ongoing discussion in the group how to deal with nuclear speckles vs. nu...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.29 13:32:13
45. Plex store mix up! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Thanks for pointing this out. Please make a Support Ticket if you haven't already to alert our GM's to the issue. I am going to lock this thread to avoid off-topic discussion, however.
- by ISD Decoy - at 2016.04.28 00:34:47
46. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Raven Dallacort wrote: I think there's an error on the classification for your control sample.
Thanks for your time. Thanks for reporting, will look into it!
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.12 14:51:18
47. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Circumstantial Evidence wrote: Sample 100000440 has been defined as 100% Vesicles, and I regret not making this choice, in addition to Rods and Rings. I picked R&R because I saw a few rod-like structures... am I completely wrong, or could...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.01 10:58:50
48. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Cyndrogen wrote: I just got a really weird sample.... at first glance it looks obvious but then it doesn't really fit into any category 100%
more detail Nucleoplasm for sure, and prob...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.01 10:51:09
49. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Yllej Gniht wrote: Image no. 100000325 Classification Result says: "Nuclear Speckles"; it sure looks like "Nucleoplasm" to me. What's the deal here? Is this faint variation enough to declassify it as "nucleoplasm" and flag it as "nuclear s...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.01 10:48:46
50. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Memphis Baas wrote: Why is the nucleus option wrong in this accuracy sample? Please explain. Hm, do I understand it right that the classification was supposed to be nucleoplasm+ER? That's odd, because it should on...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.01 10:47:02
51. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Krevnos wrote: Here's an interesting one I came across. It looks as though the stain might be binding cilia: Lovely sample! We don't have ciliated cells (unfortunately), so what you see here are membrane protrusio...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.01 10:38:26
52. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Rakin o'Dubois wrote: Schnuckelpuppe wrote: Still, sometimes i think i just get trolled: I got the exact same image and totally agree with your classification. I did the same. I wonder how much screwed the bas...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.04.01 10:36:47
53. WTS 62m - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Quote: 7. You may only bump threads ONCE Per day. Date is determined by the date on the forum, not the date where you live. See this guide for more information on bumping. Thread closed for 24 hours to compensate.
- by ISD Max Trix - at 2016.03.23 15:29:20
54. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
PAPULA wrote: Ok so, this game is totally wrong. look at this sample:
As you can see it's wrong, but it's not. I chose Nucleoplasm because it is Nucleoplasm, but game says no it is not. And the "...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.03.16 20:18:03
55. Can't install EVE - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Dante Freedan wrote: I'll make a post on that forum as per your suggestion. I moved it for you already :)
- by ISD Fractal - at 2016.03.16 13:39:37
56. Can't install EVE - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
CCP Darwin wrote: If that doesn't help resolve the situation, I would also consider posting about your problem in the Eve Launcher forum, because the launcher developers are very active there. That looks like an even more appropriate place...
- by ISD Fractal - at 2016.03.16 13:31:02
57. Can't install EVE - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Moved to Issues, Workarounds & Localization.
- by ISD Fractal - at 2016.03.16 12:43:36
58. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Memphis Baas wrote: I had that one just now; the splash of green overlaps the nucleus on every cell, so it can't really be anything outside the nucleus. I put Nuclear Membrane, Abnormal sample. A Google images for "abnormal nuclear membrane s...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.03.15 07:07:20
59. Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Helios Anduath wrote: Beta Maoye wrote: I think this slide has two signals, microtubule organizing center and centrosome, not just microtubule organizing center. RBG:
Zoom 1:
Zoom 2...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.03.14 22:05:02
60. Project Discovery and Button Mashers - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Nevyn Auscent wrote: Owen wrote: Ah, so that's how that works. Would be nice if that would be explained in-game. I was wondering why I never saw one of those "consensus"-images before. (Constantly below 50% since the beginning.) Also, I'm...
- by HPA Illuminator - at 2016.03.14 07:32:02
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