Statistics for thread
Probably the WORST event I've wasted my time on in my 10 years of eve
General statistics  
Total posts 1343
First post 2013-11-07 20:01:00
Last post 2014-04-16 16:09:00
Duration 160 days (active period), 3816 days (since first post)
Daily average 8,4 posts/day (active period), 0,4 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 554 889
Longest post Maximus Aerelius (6577 characters, posted 2013-11-14 12:33:00)
Average post length 1 157,8 chars/post
Unique authors 416 (avg 3,2 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
epicurus ataraxia 95 (7,1%)
Maximus Aerelius 93 (6,9%)
Octoven 59 (4,4%)
Killerjock 41 (3,1%)
Trii Seo 33 (2,5%)
Asbjrn 24 (1,8%)
Optimus Junkis 22 (1,6%)
Shock Fist 22 (1,6%)
Tyler Nietzsche 22 (1,6%)
Corraidhin Farsaidh 21 (1,6%)
Nevyn Auscent 18 (1,3%)
Aerieth 16 (1,2%)
Dinsdale Pirannha 16 (1,2%)
Eisenhornx 15 (1,1%)
Dracvlad 13 (1,0%)
Herzog Wolfhammer 13 (1,0%)
Constantin Baracca 12 (0,9%)
Arthur Aihaken 11 (0,8%)
Anize Oramara 11 (0,8%)
El Jin'meiko 11 (0,8%)
David Kir 10 (0,7%)
Elfi Wolfe 9 (0,7%)
Sebastien LeReparteur 9 (0,7%)
Anna Karhunen 8 (0,6%)
Deunan Tenephais 8 (0,6%)
disasteur 8 (0,6%)
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai 8 (0,6%)
Kay Charante 8 (0,6%)
Prelate Hucel-Ge 8 (0,6%)
Cpt Tenguru37 7 (0,5%)
DDymus 7 (0,5%)
Evei Shard 7 (0,5%)
Josef Djugashvilis 7 (0,5%)
SurrenderMonkey 7 (0,5%)
Anslo 6 (0,4%)
Anomaly One 6 (0,4%)
Edam Neadenil 6 (0,4%)
Genii Cucullati 6 (0,4%)
Kyria Shirako 6 (0,4%)
Lenroc Elisav 6 (0,4%)
MadMcMax Ornulf 6 (0,4%)
Rekkr Nordgard 6 (0,4%)
CCP Goliath 6 (0,4%)
Arn Dog 5 (0,4%)
Draugo Rana 5 (0,4%)
Fourteen Maken 5 (0,4%)
Halaxi 5 (0,4%)
Jack Mayhem 5 (0,4%)
Lemming Alpha1dash1 5 (0,4%)
Maaloc 5 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 609 (45,3%)
Illusion of Solitude 95 (7,1%)
Executive Outcomes 87 (6,5%)
Gallente Federation 63 (4,7%)
Headshot Gaming 59 (4,4%)
Minmatar Republic 51 (3,8%)
Brave Collective 40 (3,0%)
Caldari State 37 (2,8%)
Goonswarm Federation 24 (1,8%)
Insidious Empire 20 (1,5%)
Amarr Empire 17 (1,3%)
RAZOR Alliance 15 (1,1%)
Pirate Nation. 13 (1,0%)
Critical-Mass 11 (0,8%)
La Division Bleue 9 (0,7%)
Suddenly Spaceships. 8 (0,6%)
C C P Alliance 6 (0,4%)
Filthy Bastards 6 (0,4%)
Ivy League 6 (0,4%)
Outbreak. 5 (0,4%)
SpaceMonkey's Alliance 5 (0,4%)
The Gorgon Empire 5 (0,4%)
Ushra'Khan 5 (0,4%)
Apocalypse Now. 4 (0,3%)
Brothers of Tangra 4 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Broken Wheel Mercantile and Trading Company 95 (7,1%)
Phoenix Productions 59 (4,4%)
- 42 (3,1%)
Von Neumann Industries 41 (3,1%)
Sabotage Incorporated 38 (2,8%)
Brave Newbies Inc. 26 (1,9%)
Brutor Tribe 26 (1,9%)
The Executives 24 (1,8%)
Deadly Shadow Clan 22 (1,6%)
The Scope 22 (1,6%)
Weyland-Yutani Pan Galactic 22 (1,6%)
Hello-There 21 (1,6%)
University of Caille 21 (1,6%)
Sebiestor Tribe 20 (1,5%)
GoonWaffe 19 (1,4%)
Broke Sauce 18 (1,3%)
Pirannha Corp 16 (1,2%)
SunKing Vanguard 15 (1,1%)
The Lollipop Guild 14 (1,0%)
Sigma Special Tactics Group 13 (1,0%)
Taishi Combine 13 (1,0%)
Filthy Casuals 11 (0,8%)
S T R A T C O M 11 (0,8%)
The.VOID 11 (0,8%)
Statement of Intent 10 (0,7%)
SpaceTravelers Freelance Corp 9 (0,7%)
Inoue INEXP 8 (0,6%)
Ixion Defence Systems 8 (0,6%)
Mind Games. 8 (0,6%)
School of Applied Knowledge 8 (0,6%)
Tellcomtec Industries. 8 (0,6%)
Acme Mining Corporation 7 (0,5%)
Cabbage Corp 7 (0,5%)
Federal Navy Academy 7 (0,5%)
MadBot Industries 7 (0,5%)
Science and Trade Institute 7 (0,5%)
Shard Industries 7 (0,5%)
Space Llama Industries 7 (0,5%)
State Protectorate 7 (0,5%)
Bax Corporation 6 (0,4%)
C C P 6 (0,4%)
EVE University 6 (0,4%)
ISD Community Communications Liaisons 6 (0,4%)
MadMcMax 6 (0,4%)
State War Academy 6 (0,4%)
The Ardency of Faith 6 (0,4%)
0utbreak 5 (0,4%)
Bastanolds 5 (0,4%)
Center for Advanced Studies 5 (0,4%)

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