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Posted - 2003.07.16 08:46:00 -
CCP I think is time to act. PKing getting rampant. In this game is no role-playing anything to do for causal players.
Most of my friends simply did leave and cancel subscription because of PKing and griefing. Please stop arguing me we had not go to 0.0 security.
1 - every time I went to PvP on 0.0 systems it's pure bull**** because we are gang on by PKers who shoot first doesn't ask any question and destroy our ships. We had no single chance to defend and we loosing all. Ship doesn't stand longer than few sec. When we create group to start hunt down these griefers they simply left out back to secure area. Yes it's true these players have high sec rating so we can't place bounty or shoot them in high sec sectors. If we are in industrial ships then we have zero chance to rescue. Don't argue with we should hire escort it's pure bull ***t argument. We can insure only ship and it's really costly and put us in bad situation. PkerÆs does camp so game mechanics is against us. This game have so much danger for people who does play. It cost us so much time and real money and we get what? We are frustrated and in fact we does pay for this game and for fun of griefers. CCP start thinking about us we do pay your wages and if many of us cancel subscriptions then you will soon loose money. This game have no content and around 200 players who do PKing deter many players who don't PK.
2 - actually new sort of PKers rise. Forget about MOO they were so stupid and start PKing too early they can't enter high sec, but now prime example Sinister Corp have high sec people who does only PK. In Sinister corp rules is griefing and PKing base rule just check http://www.afraidyet.net/. These guys doesn't get any sec penalty now when they PKing in 0.0 sec so they does have free move around galaxy no one can kill them or put bounty on theirs heads. Why griefers have in game all advantages and who does play and work hard for it have only disadvantages? Does CCP want to have only PKers in game and rest of people should leave. If yes then I want to see here clear CCP statement about what they really want to.
3 - Please not to tell me trash talk like. Don't go to 0.0 or get few friends with you. It's not about what I should do but it's about what I want to do and I will not change style of my play but if game doesn't change quickly I will leave. Simply I donÆt will work for weeks to loose my stuff in 5 sec no matter of what. For me is enough to loose all when I'm kicked from server or my client die. It's possible to insure ship, but it cost far so much than I will to pay and I getting back so few ISK, but that's another issue about unbalance. It's not possible to insure equipment and after last patch (nerf) get gear is impossible. Insurance for clones is expensive too. In sum I pay so much in real money and in game money too and I've zero chance to defend. Griefers getting all and even he doesn't get any penalty. Last night was last drop in pain when I saw three groups of ganged MOO and Sinister members simply pod killing all people traveling from and into Fountain sector. It's simply so much to carry on. These guys from Sinister had sec rating > 9 and even after hours of pod killing they didnÆt surfer any sec penalty hit.
4 û Griefers have so easy live. They jump in kill people and when they feel that they are in danger then simply leave and laugh at all people how they are so stupid trying them track down. Game doesnÆt allow hunt or have advantage against these people, because we canÆt camp one place as they do and wait if any PKers goes by especially now when PKers have high sec rating so no bounty or neg rating help us distinguish PKers. PKers doesnÆt need check who you are he just simply open fire. If you want kill him then you must first find that jerk. CCP change game mechanic do anything else but stop it or you will loose more and more people. This game getting to nowhere with no content and when game mechanic allow griefing. It doesn't give us any chance to defend or survive. Penalty for being killed with ship is too high and you did remove chance for us to recover.
4 - Forgot about PvP in EVE it's pure PKing game, who does shoot first does win... Should we call this game EVEQUAKE? You work for ship and gear weeks and loose it in 5 sec? So please CCP give us something like instarespawn with ship and equip cos in this case it's only fair solution.
It's only my feel that I see low numbers on login screen than month a go?
Edited by: Aelita on 16/07/2003 08:52:01

Posted - 2003.07.16 08:55:00 -
Hehe I expect that reaction, you know what?
Subscription: <CANCEL>
You know money does rule. This post was for CCP not for people like you are...
May be I would be able shorten in my post. My question was:
"Hey guys from CCP does you want my money? Yes? Then start acting on all issues what I describe in my post or I will leave and you can say bye bye 36$/month"
Yes I does have three accounts and few my friends who did already leave have them too. Our guild did shrink from 15 active people to 5 during past month thans to people like you are...

Posted - 2003.07.16 09:10:00 -
Originally by: "Tnelyos" but I have to agree with molly about the rest of the crap he posted. i've been out in 0.0 space for months and havn't lost any ships to PC pirates.
Me too, but I'm loosing friends and CCP loosing customer because of it. I'm in deep 0.0 and never return back to high sec so I doesn't need to go thru these blocked systems where PKers does camp key systems, like FD-MLJ. Because PKers have all advantages and no security hit for what they doing in 0.0 they could camp and pi*s off people. When they feel that some serious thread coming they simply flee to high sec area. Yes Molly is one of these people so I'd expect his reaction. But people like you Tnelyos are shortsighted once upon time you will face these jerks and you will change your mind but it will be too late for you.

Posted - 2003.07.16 10:47:00 -
Oh back to roots. Facts:
1) this game has no PvP. Victim has no chance pick if want to PvP or not. What PvP you will expect from one man in Bestower and four guys in Cruisers or Battleships?
2) Negotiation? With who? These guys does have pure and simple goal PKing you.
3) game as is does give you 0 chance to avoid this kind of problem. Bugged local channel, my local channel have all over time 50+ more people in even in 0.0 system deep in space where I'm alone in system. If you warp in you have no chance break warp and after you warp in warp point there are PKers and it mean end to your ship and escape capsule before your screen even load on.
4) You can't insure your equipment, which is actually irreplaceable due to poor drop and screwed loot tables.
5) insuring cost huge ISK amount. You pay back due four weeks new ship if you pick lowest insurance.
In all scenarios people who aren't PKers or pirates loosing track, why I would pay for it? Game cost me real money and real time so why I would do it to be only ****ed off by bunch of guys who does all to **** me off?
You forgot main point in my post. I'd lost in game many friends due of it and probably I will leave soon too because I will not have people to play with. I lost only once my ship due to PKers it was 2 months ago and guy who did it was Lord Zap. These griefers are for me like mosquitoes they aren't worth even thinking about them. I want from CCP fix actual situation where you must work on your gear months then it's destroyed in few seconds. I can't recover it and person who did all that mess get no punishment at all.
PvP is when both players do fight not only one.

Posted - 2003.07.16 11:22:00 -
"This is part of the game, you must protect your assets, if you are so annoyed at losing them to pirates just mine in a lower sec system.
As for the comment on PVP being a two way think yes it is but you both don't have to agree on the action taken. Its tough luck if one is more agressive"
I disagree because due this attitude people does leaving game. It's shortsighted and it MUST BE CHANGED. YOu simply can't loose all for what you work long in few sec no matter of what. People simply will not carry over it and leave. You forgot main thing we does pay for game and if we don't get fun we will not pay for game. I complain because I'm loosing for this attitude (call it game feature) friends. CCP does loosing customers.
CCP could make ships with 10 times more hitpoints to be worth of time spend in or something similar. It's simply dumb that your gear which cost you days of play time can be so easily vanished.
Who want play dumb games? Me? You?

Posted - 2003.07.16 11:27:00 -
Note: Even simple insurance for gear would help. It would make play for some people miserable because I guess insured gear will not be after ship destroy in his loot. This will learn people to take care about asset and **** off a bit pirates because they will get nothing on insured ship. In this case I would be fine because then I can laught in griefer's face when he does boom and he get NOTHIG.

Posted - 2003.07.16 12:34:00 -
No as I'd say in start there are so big inbalances between what people can loose and how they cold defend own property.
1) PKer have all adventages and kill is too fast 2) Victim work weeks and loose gear no chance to insure gear and cargo 3) not all peple carry over fact that he did work long time and lost it in few seconds due to bug or game inbalance 4) call people carebears isn't solution 5) push people to high sec (victims) or low sec (PKers and Pierates) is no solution 6) game need motivate people to move in 0.0 arreas actual PvP push them back from it 7) people will not pay for game to be able use only half space it's same for people who doesn't want PvP , but it's true even for pirates. Firs who did whine about high sec sentry guns and CONCORD were pirates. I newer did say kick pirates only to 0.0. All time I'd call for increasing hit points and make PvP last longer at least minutes. I personaly would prefer PvP one by one last at least 10 minutes. 8) this game need to eliminate griefers == peple who does play only for one reason kill someones fun. 9) CCP should take care more about mayority of customers and hardcore players isn't mayority at all. 10) Death penalty can't be so frustrating. I know few people who did imediately after being destroyed cancel cubscription.
As I did say increase ship hit points by ten times and allow insure all gear and cargo. It will make PvP a bit balanced and people who does fly in defense less ships will have chance to flee.

Posted - 2003.07.16 12:56:00 -
Who does talk about pirates? PKers aren't pirates.
Sykosys and Eve'lyn you are noob, PKers or you never face fact being attacked or involved in PvP. I lost my ship in PvP only once and it was more than month ago. I never did whine about being killed all what I did say is I'm loosing frineds and game loosing players.
Your answers aren't constructive so please leave alone my post. All what I say curen game state pushing more and more people to cancel subscription and I hate to see it. How CCP and you people can be so blind don't see true problem behind? If people will leave because CCP will allow bunch of people kill CCP's business then we are all in wrong train and we should leave just in time.
People without experince please keep hands off this post. I does play from beta and I have same complains as in beta. Until now I only keep my voice silent, but situation is really rampant. Last night I lost another friend in game and I want to stop it.
I repeat it once more again, who can talk about PvP when ship can be destroyed in less than 10 seconds and you need work longer than week to get that ship? It could be called balance in game? C'mon you can't be serious if you will disagree.

Posted - 2003.07.16 13:17:00 -
Originally by: Maarek Steele Lets see. 1)Everyone with low Security got banished to 0.0 space because of whining form People Like You.
No you and people like you did deserve it because staying in 1.0 sec arrea and kill new players in statring ships was most low action what I ever see. CCP show that they does care about business because griefers actions directly lead into cancel subscription. New player have one month free time before he need pay. Guess what happen to person who just start play game and he is shooten down by person in Cruiser just right after he did leave starting station?
Originally by: Maarek Steele
2) That means theres a large number of ****ed off pirates gunnin for every carebear they see at choke points.
Interesting so why pirates doesn't start shooting each other? I never saw Gang member shooting MOO or Sinister member. All what I'd saw is Gang, Sinister or MOO member shooting industrial ships around and flee when Cruisers or BS did come in...
Originally by: Maarek Steele 3) Said Carebear and friends warp into a gate, what happens?
You will exploit game mechanic and kill them all. Yes I know it and this is why I want from CCP change in game mechanic.
Originally by: Maarek Steele Shut up you playstyle griefer and move along, you got what you deserved. Stay in Empire Space you Ebbil Playstyle Greaver! waah waaah waah.
there, that nicely summed up carebear responses to legit pirates complaints, hope you enjoyed.
I hope this will be moderated by moderator. You should clean your mouth (fingers). I see your mom did really bad work in your growth. My kids and grandchilds will never use so bad and ofensive language I'm pretty sure...
If you want argue that way you should be banished from game and from boards for week at least.

Posted - 2003.07.16 13:19:00 -
Sorry I'd manage double post.
Edited by: Aelita on 16/07/2003 14:23:12