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Posted - 2003.11.25 10:56:00 - [1]

All this bull crap about amarr and minmatar and gallente and caldari is really anyoning me! Cant we just have a freakn war already and skip all this talk about tenstion.
Im bored

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Posted - 2003.11.25 10:56:00 - [2]

All this bull crap about amarr and minmatar and gallente and caldari is really anyoning me! Cant we just have a freakn war already and skip all this talk about tenstion.
Im bored
Sara Kerrigan
Sara Kerrigan

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Posted - 2003.11.25 20:04:00 - [3]

This is a roleplay game. Wars don't just happen when you want them to, they're slowly built up over months and years of tensions. Without a progressive backstory, a war would be meaningless.

The Kerrigan Chronicles
Sara Kerrigan
Sara Kerrigan

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Posted - 2003.11.25 20:04:00 - [4]

This is a roleplay game. Wars don't just happen when you want them to, they're slowly built up over months and years of tensions. Without a progressive backstory, a war would be meaningless.

The Kerrigan Chronicles

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Posted - 2003.11.25 23:17:00 - [5]

Rolplay? Are you serious? There has been a real war come and gone while they are still "building up political tension and backstory" in gameShocked? I would tend to agree Radis that this is getting tedious, we can't even stage raids or slave rescues or anything to speed it up without CONCORD getting mad and nailing usMad! I just hope that this whole restructuring with Polaris (YOU GUYS ROCK)is incliding ways and situations for the impending war(s).

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Posted - 2003.11.25 23:17:00 - [6]

Rolplay? Are you serious? There has been a real war come and gone while they are still "building up political tension and backstory" in gameShocked? I would tend to agree Radis that this is getting tedious, we can't even stage raids or slave rescues or anything to speed it up without CONCORD getting mad and nailing usMad! I just hope that this whole restructuring with Polaris (YOU GUYS ROCK)is incliding ways and situations for the impending war(s).
Dust Puppy
Dust Puppy

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Posted - 2003.11.27 01:03:00 - [7]

Ok IŠll get the ball rolling.

Radis you silly man son of a silly person... I fart in your general direction
Capacitor research
Dust Puppy
Dust Puppy

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Posted - 2003.11.27 01:03:00 - [8]

Ok IŠll get the ball rolling.

Radis you silly man son of a silly person... I fart in your general direction

Original Mr Floppyknickers sig

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Posted - 2003.11.27 11:40:00 - [9]

Ok IŠll get the ball rolling.

Radis you silly man son of a silly person... I fart in your general direction

***** *** ****** *** ** **** ** ***** ***, and a big fart in your direction!Mad

"this song reminds me of the girl i met on a schooltrip, she was really nice, and she really liked me.
I forgot to ask her her phone number" - Nelix trist
OMG im a pretzel!!!
HeartVenom Inc.

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Posted - 2003.11.27 11:40:00 - [10]

Ok IŠll get the ball rolling.

Radis you silly man son of a silly person... I fart in your general direction

***** *** ****** *** ** **** ** ***** ***, and a big fart in your direction!Mad

"this song reminds me of the girl i met on a schooltrip, she was really nice, and she really liked me.
I forgot to ask her her phone number" - Nelix trist
OMG im a pretzel!!!
Elaine Marley
Elaine Marley

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Posted - 2003.11.27 11:56:00 - [11]

When the war begins, you'll wish you havent pleased for it. The EMpire Regions wont be safe anymore getting from a to b will need heavy escorts and more.
Dont wait for it prepare fot it.
Podding Regards

Elaine Marley

Put the money on the table, here is the Inflation Control

Veni, Vedi, Vici
Elaine Marley
Elaine Marley
Master Miners
Aftermath Alliance

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Posted - 2003.11.27 11:56:00 - [12]

When the war begins, you'll wish you havent pleased for it. The EMpire Regions wont be safe anymore getting from a to b will need heavy escorts and more.
Dont wait for it prepare fot it.
Podding Regards

Elaine Marley
Dust Puppy
Dust Puppy

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Posted - 2003.11.27 15:45:00 - [13]


Dont wait for it prepare for it.

that is actually a good point. IŠm thinking about buying every shield booster I can get my hand on Twisted Evil
Capacitor research
Dust Puppy
Dust Puppy

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Posted - 2003.11.27 15:45:00 - [14]


Dont wait for it prepare for it.

that is actually a good point. IŠm thinking about buying every shield booster I can get my hand on Twisted Evil

Original Mr Floppyknickers sig
Shintoko Akahoshi
Shintoko Akahoshi

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Posted - 2003.11.27 19:45:00 - [15]

Ok IŠll get the ball rolling.

Radis you silly man son of a silly person... I fart in your general direction

Pah! You feelthy Caldari ka-niggit! Your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of elderberries!

There's no meaning to life when you cling only to common sense
Shintoko Akahoshi
Shintoko Akahoshi
Omerta Syndicate
Exuro Mortis

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Posted - 2003.11.27 19:45:00 - [16]

Ok IŠll get the ball rolling.

Radis you silly man son of a silly person... I fart in your general direction

Pah! You feelthy Caldari ka-niggit! Your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of elderberries!

Omerta Syndicate Biotechnical Research
Pikaia Ortis
Pikaia Ortis

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Posted - 2003.11.27 19:56:00 - [17]

Please stop quoting Monty Python, its silly.
Pikaia Ortis
Pikaia Ortis

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Posted - 2003.11.27 19:56:00 - [18]

Please stop quoting Monty Python, its silly.

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Posted - 2003.11.30 16:58:00 - [19]

that is actually a good point. IŠm thinking about buying every shield booster I can get my hand on Twisted Evil

Well you go do that! while we can talk serious here.. Anyway! i think eve needs a war or tech 2 to release!!! Either way i think the war would attract more people and keep them active longer then the tech 2 release!
Im bored

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Posted - 2003.11.30 16:58:00 - [20]

that is actually a good point. IŠm thinking about buying every shield booster I can get my hand on Twisted Evil

Well you go do that! while we can talk serious here.. Anyway! i think eve needs a war or tech 2 to release!!! Either way i think the war would attract more people and keep them active longer then the tech 2 release!
Im bored
Dust Puppy
Dust Puppy

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Posted - 2003.11.30 18:18:00 - [21]

There are of course not everyone who likes pvp. This is a pvp game though so I guess they canŠt complain.

The devs have said more than ones that people own to much. To many ppl are flying battleships. War would definitly reduce the number of battleships and shortage of megacyte would make them more expensive.

So I think a war right about now sounds ok. As for stocking up on shield booster then everybody uses them. When a ship goes down a booster goes with them.
Capacitor research
Dust Puppy
Dust Puppy

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Posted - 2003.11.30 18:18:00 - [22]

There are of course not everyone who likes pvp. This is a pvp game though so I guess they canŠt complain.

The devs have said more than ones that people own to much. To many ppl are flying battleships. War would definitly reduce the number of battleships and shortage of megacyte would make them more expensive.

So I think a war right about now sounds ok. As for stocking up on shield booster then everybody uses them. When a ship goes down a booster goes with them.

Original Mr Floppyknickers sig

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Posted - 2003.12.01 03:36:00 - [23]

Go back to counter-strike, Radis.

Sales Manager for Expanded Minds Inc - We suffer the tedium of R&D so you dont have to
Expanded Minds Inc.

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Posted - 2003.12.01 03:36:00 - [24]

Go back to counter-strike, Radis.

Sales Manager for Expanded Minds Inc - We suffer the tedium of R&D so you dont have to

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Posted - 2003.12.01 05:16:00 - [25]

Go back to counter-strike, Radis.

Sorry Chums, but im not as low as u are. But nice try anyway.
Im bored

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Posted - 2003.12.01 05:16:00 - [26]

Go back to counter-strike, Radis.

Sorry Chums, but im not as low as u are. But nice try anyway.
Im bored

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Posted - 2003.12.01 09:27:00 - [27]

No point in there being a war when a winner cannot be determined.
Brutor tribe

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Posted - 2003.12.01 09:27:00 - [28]

No point in there being a war when a winner cannot be determined.
Nariko Tenrai
Nariko Tenrai

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Posted - 2003.12.01 19:46:00 - [29]

This is a roleplay game. Wars don't just happen when you want them to, they're slowly built up over months and years of tensions.

That would be a solid point if this were real life. EVE is, however, a game - a form of entertainment. If you subscribed to a cable package that advertised basic channels with a premium movie channel, would you wait six months for the premium channel to show a movie? I'm fairly patient, but I think this has been extended far too long.

Maybe I would be more forgiving if the "buildup" consisted of actual events rather than a bunch of news articles and GM skits that have little or no actual effect on the game. Noninteractive content != fun. The writerly maxim of "show, don't tell" applies to game content as well.

Oh, and insert obligitory, "it's not a roleplaying game if no one roleplays" comment.
- - - -

I have measured and described the stars, their great and countless multitude. What man has seen their revolutions and entrances? Not even the angels see their number, yet I have recorded all their names.

- The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, Jewish Pseudepigrapha

We won't talk about how many cruisers I lost this weekend, nor how many nice railguns, or T2 enhancers. We're going to skip right over that. We're going to talk about my new Raven. It is like flying a small city, and the city's only export is missiles.

- Azeraphel
Nariko Tenrai
Nariko Tenrai
Hayashikani Dynamics

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Posted - 2003.12.01 19:46:00 - [30]

This is a roleplay game. Wars don't just happen when you want them to, they're slowly built up over months and years of tensions.

That would be a solid point if this were real life. EVE is, however, a game - a form of entertainment. If you subscribed to a cable package that advertised basic channels with a premium movie channel, would you wait six months for the premium channel to show a movie? I'm fairly patient, but I think this has been extended far too long.

Maybe I would be more forgiving if the "buildup" consisted of actual events rather than a bunch of news articles and GM skits that have little or no actual effect on the game. Noninteractive content != fun. The writerly maxim of "show, don't tell" applies to game content as well.

Oh, and insert obligitory, "it's not a roleplaying game if no one roleplays" comment.
- - - -

I have measured and described the stars, their great and countless multitude. What man has seen their revolutions and entrances? Not even the angels see their number, yet I have recorded all their names.

- The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, Jewish Pseudepigrapha

We won't talk about how many cruisers I lost this weekend, nor how many nice railguns, or T2 enhancers. We're going to skip right over that. We're going to talk about my new Raven. It is like flying a small city, and the city's only export is missiles.

- Azeraphel
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