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Darius Shakor
Darius Shakor

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Posted - 2003.12.01 23:47:00 - [31]

There are of course not everyone who likes pvp. This is a pvp game though so I guess they canŠt complain.

I don't really look at this as simply a pvp game. Sure it has pvp elements in it and that makes it interesting, but it's not a true pvp game. More of a combo game where you can decide what you want to do, not have it forced upon you.

As it stands now, people have a choice. Want pvp? go to 0.0 space and let it fly. If not, stay in empire space of 0.5 and above and mine.

Now a game like Counter strike or Unreal is what I term as a pvp game. Afterall, it's not like you can rack up points in Counter Strike by buying the shovle instead of a gun and digging for gold is it? Razz

On the subject of war, sure they need a back story, but the gaps between them are rather long and could have been done quicker in retrospect. And despite what I have sad above, don't think of me as one of those who cry when they get shot at by another player and instantly shout "GREIFER!!"Cool

Here are my thoughts on what the war should be like with regards to empire space. Firstly, by the end of the war, you need a big winner and a big loser, and I expect to see the whole face of the eve map changed. For example, nations that came under seige the most might have moved their outer boarders more into the unclaimed space as their shared boarders haveb been taken. I hope to see vast neutral and demiliterized zones popping up with heavy CONCORD presence along war-torn boarders.

During the war, gradually, the sec status of systems along the front lined should drop rappidly leaving only a core of empire space that is safe. (Keep the noobs from getting blown out of the sky as soon as they load for the first time or they will be short lived customers.Wink)

Actually, what I would like is to log off one night in minmatar space, then log back on in the morning in war ravaged low sec space with the station on fire, guns and fleet ships reppeling an invasion force, scared for my life in the harsh crossfire and getting locked up by an enemy race attack wing, npc or player.

Just some thoughts.......Smile

Analysis[Ceasefire]....Complete - 'Term given to the act of firing, causing the ceasation of the life it is directed at
Darius Shakor
Darius Shakor
Freelance Unincorporated

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Posted - 2003.12.01 23:47:00 - [32]

There are of course not everyone who likes pvp. This is a pvp game though so I guess they canŠt complain.

I don't really look at this as simply a pvp game. Sure it has pvp elements in it and that makes it interesting, but it's not a true pvp game. More of a combo game where you can decide what you want to do, not have it forced upon you.

As it stands now, people have a choice. Want pvp? go to 0.0 space and let it fly. If not, stay in empire space of 0.5 and above and mine.

Now a game like Counter strike or Unreal is what I term as a pvp game. Afterall, it's not like you can rack up points in Counter Strike by buying the shovle instead of a gun and digging for gold is it? Razz

On the subject of war, sure they need a back story, but the gaps between them are rather long and could have been done quicker in retrospect. And despite what I have sad above, don't think of me as one of those who cry when they get shot at by another player and instantly shout "GREIFER!!"Cool

Here are my thoughts on what the war should be like with regards to empire space. Firstly, by the end of the war, you need a big winner and a big loser, and I expect to see the whole face of the eve map changed. For example, nations that came under seige the most might have moved their outer boarders more into the unclaimed space as their shared boarders haveb been taken. I hope to see vast neutral and demiliterized zones popping up with heavy CONCORD presence along war-torn boarders.

During the war, gradually, the sec status of systems along the front lined should drop rappidly leaving only a core of empire space that is safe. (Keep the noobs from getting blown out of the sky as soon as they load for the first time or they will be short lived customers.Wink)

Actually, what I would like is to log off one night in minmatar space, then log back on in the morning in war ravaged low sec space with the station on fire, guns and fleet ships reppeling an invasion force, scared for my life in the harsh crossfire and getting locked up by an enemy race attack wing, npc or player.

Just some thoughts.......Smile

Shakor Clan Information Portal

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Posted - 2003.12.02 10:57:00 - [33]

Interesting thougths! I liked the idea of the changing of sec rating!

That what would be really nice.! But the thing is to make this war real. We would need to see fleets of ships from one empire clash into another in a big fight!. Or see them move out from a station.
Maybe the empires could recruit players to fight in the war(So they get paid for how many hours they fight or something like that)

But what i fear is that if they start putting in fleets i fear the servers should i say this nicely...ehmm Lagg!!

Im bored

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Posted - 2003.12.02 10:57:00 - [34]

Interesting thougths! I liked the idea of the changing of sec rating!

That what would be really nice.! But the thing is to make this war real. We would need to see fleets of ships from one empire clash into another in a big fight!. Or see them move out from a station.
Maybe the empires could recruit players to fight in the war(So they get paid for how many hours they fight or something like that)

But what i fear is that if they start putting in fleets i fear the servers should i say this nicely...ehmm Lagg!!

Im bored
Darius Shakor
Darius Shakor

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Posted - 2003.12.02 11:12:00 - [35]

I was thinking the same about player involvement. The way I see it, it could work in one of 2 ways, or even both.

1. Players of one race, eg minmatar, can freely open fire on npc ships of another race that they are at war with without sec rating loss and UberConcord sinking their fangs in every 5 mins as long as those enemy ships are invading your races space or in some kind of disputed zone/unclaimed space.

2. Agents that work for one of your empires militaries, (maybe lvl 2+ or lvl 3 agents only), send you on npc kill missions into battle zones to intercept scouting parties or even enemy race cruisers or battleships in the case of lvl 3 agents.

There might be a few holes in this idea, but it is a good base to work on.Wink

Analysis[Ceasefire]....Complete - 'Term given to the act of firing, causing the ceasation of the life it is directed at
Darius Shakor
Darius Shakor
Freelance Unincorporated

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Posted - 2003.12.02 11:12:00 - [36]

I was thinking the same about player involvement. The way I see it, it could work in one of 2 ways, or even both.

1. Players of one race, eg minmatar, can freely open fire on npc ships of another race that they are at war with without sec rating loss and UberConcord sinking their fangs in every 5 mins as long as those enemy ships are invading your races space or in some kind of disputed zone/unclaimed space.

2. Agents that work for one of your empires militaries, (maybe lvl 2+ or lvl 3 agents only), send you on npc kill missions into battle zones to intercept scouting parties or even enemy race cruisers or battleships in the case of lvl 3 agents.

There might be a few holes in this idea, but it is a good base to work on.Wink

Shakor Clan Information Portal

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Posted - 2003.12.02 11:20:00 - [37]

It is. They're fantastic ideas. Unfortunately, because it will take a little bit of implementing, it will likely be ignored in favour of changing some minor and hitherto unnoticed but of interface, or making the lights on stations flash a different colour if there are ships docked.

I really don't want to be critical of the content. God knows we've all waited so long for it, and now it finally seems to be coming in - However, all I can really see is wasted potential, and nothing we can actually get our teeth into in any meaningful way, anywhere other than on the forums.

Masuat'aa Matari

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Posted - 2003.12.02 11:20:00 - [38]

It is. They're fantastic ideas. Unfortunately, because it will take a little bit of implementing, it will likely be ignored in favour of changing some minor and hitherto unnoticed but of interface, or making the lights on stations flash a different colour if there are ships docked.

I really don't want to be critical of the content. God knows we've all waited so long for it, and now it finally seems to be coming in - However, all I can really see is wasted potential, and nothing we can actually get our teeth into in any meaningful way, anywhere other than on the forums.


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Posted - 2003.12.08 13:36:00 - [39]

I read a lot about CONCORD. Technically, if a war broke out, wouldn't that effectively mean CONCORD disbanded?

I mean, CONCORD is only a manifestation of the collective will of the four empires. If that collective will dissipated, wouldn't CONCORD do so too?


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Posted - 2003.12.08 13:36:00 - [40]

I read a lot about CONCORD. Technically, if a war broke out, wouldn't that effectively mean CONCORD disbanded?

I mean, CONCORD is only a manifestation of the collective will of the four empires. If that collective will dissipated, wouldn't CONCORD do so too?


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Posted - 2003.12.08 13:47:00 - [41]

True!... Maybe they would split up the concord into each empire . SO Gallente and amarr and so on has its own part of the concord fleet.. thats what im thinking. What u think?
Im bored

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Posted - 2003.12.08 13:47:00 - [42]

True!... Maybe they would split up the concord into each empire . SO Gallente and amarr and so on has its own part of the concord fleet.. thats what im thinking. What u think?
Im bored
Darius Shakor
Darius Shakor

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Posted - 2003.12.08 17:19:00 - [43]

Edited by: Darius Shakor on 08/12/2003 17:26:23
Edited by: Darius Shakor on 08/12/2003 17:23:36
I doubt that they would devide up. Afterall, what would be their role in their new host navy? They can't exactly fight against the other empires can they?

With regard to Concord, I do not think they will disband entirely, but they would be forced to take a backseat in the affairs of law enfocement in each empire as security will no doubt be turned over to the military in a state of martial law.

Plus I can imagine that some empires would not want Concord in their back yard for several reasons.
1. Crossfire. No one wants to blow up a neutral ship in an act of friendly fire (Or blue on blue as they now call it).
2. Distrust of their loyalty. Concord pilots come from one of the 4 major races afterall. I doubt that in a war, the Minmatar will want Amarr concord pilots in battleships in their space.
3. With that in mind, accusations of espionage and spying will be thrown around at both individual pilots due to their race, and the concord assembly in general.

Corcords roll should be that of mediator in desputes and providing a neutral ground (Yulai?) for peace talks and negotiations. Afterall, wars rage all the time but there are constant communications between leaderships of all parties and alliances.

And while the war will be of great concern to Concord, they will want to plan for the peace and rebuild after the war whenever it ends. That means they must attempt to stay neutral no matter what so people will trust them with their future when the dust settles.

Now I have another idea too. With the redesign of the website, I feel that the addition of the ingame news to the public domain is a good thing. However in a war situation, prospective buyers might want to see the state of the war too.

Take a look at this online game site here
Planet Side
*To the mods, I know all about the rules of posting on other games so I will leave it there, just please don't lock this thread as it is a valid point I want to make with regard to eve*Rolling Eyes

On the front page of this site, there is a political map for all to see, players or not, regarding the state of governence in the various regions.

How about something like this for each region in eve showing who owns what and where the war zones are? This is good for 2 reasins at least:
1. As above, prospecive buyers can see the action and get tempted to buy the game more (Good business and advertising)
2. Current players can check the region they are in while not online so that when they do come online they know if they are going to be safe or in the middle of a batlefeild.Wink

Anyway, some more thoughts there for you to bat around.Very Happy


Analysis[Ceasefire]....Complete - 'Term given to the act of firing, causing the ceasation of the life it is directed at
Darius Shakor
Darius Shakor
Freelance Unincorporated

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Posted - 2003.12.08 17:19:00 - [44]

Edited by: Darius Shakor on 08/12/2003 17:26:23
Edited by: Darius Shakor on 08/12/2003 17:23:36
I doubt that they would devide up. Afterall, what would be their role in their new host navy? They can't exactly fight against the other empires can they?

With regard to Concord, I do not think they will disband entirely, but they would be forced to take a backseat in the affairs of law enfocement in each empire as security will no doubt be turned over to the military in a state of martial law.

Plus I can imagine that some empires would not want Concord in their back yard for several reasons.
1. Crossfire. No one wants to blow up a neutral ship in an act of friendly fire (Or blue on blue as they now call it).
2. Distrust of their loyalty. Concord pilots come from one of the 4 major races afterall. I doubt that in a war, the Minmatar will want Amarr concord pilots in battleships in their space.
3. With that in mind, accusations of espionage and spying will be thrown around at both individual pilots due to their race, and the concord assembly in general.

Corcords roll should be that of mediator in desputes and providing a neutral ground (Yulai?) for peace talks and negotiations. Afterall, wars rage all the time but there are constant communications between leaderships of all parties and alliances.

And while the war will be of great concern to Concord, they will want to plan for the peace and rebuild after the war whenever it ends. That means they must attempt to stay neutral no matter what so people will trust them with their future when the dust settles.

Now I have another idea too. With the redesign of the website, I feel that the addition of the ingame news to the public domain is a good thing. However in a war situation, prospective buyers might want to see the state of the war too.

Take a look at this online game site here
Planet Side
*To the mods, I know all about the rules of posting on other games so I will leave it there, just please don't lock this thread as it is a valid point I want to make with regard to eve*Rolling Eyes

On the front page of this site, there is a political map for all to see, players or not, regarding the state of governence in the various regions.

How about something like this for each region in eve showing who owns what and where the war zones are? This is good for 2 reasins at least:
1. As above, prospecive buyers can see the action and get tempted to buy the game more (Good business and advertising)
2. Current players can check the region they are in while not online so that when they do come online they know if they are going to be safe or in the middle of a batlefeild.Wink

Anyway, some more thoughts there for you to bat around.Very Happy


Shakor Clan Information Portal

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Posted - 2003.12.09 09:53:00 - [45]

My thoughts.

Concord would need to be disbanded

Tech 2 patch sees the removal of Concord Agents, could this be the coming of the war?

War needs a reason and tensions have to be built up

The rebellion of the Caldari to re-take there homeworld?

The invasion of Amarr space to free Minmatar slaves? The reasons are all there, I just would like to see a war!

As a miner I would hope to see ore prices rocket as people try to create tools of destruction! Twisted Evil
Infinitus Odium
Curse Alliance

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Posted - 2003.12.09 09:53:00 - [46]

My thoughts.

Concord would need to be disbanded

Tech 2 patch sees the removal of Concord Agents, could this be the coming of the war?

War needs a reason and tensions have to be built up

The rebellion of the Caldari to re-take there homeworld?

The invasion of Amarr space to free Minmatar slaves? The reasons are all there, I just would like to see a war!

As a miner I would hope to see ore prices rocket as people try to create tools of destruction! Twisted Evil


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Posted - 2003.12.09 11:29:00 - [47]

Maybe each empire would evacuate a load of civilians from stations into the the noob starter systems - which all empires agree are no-fighting zones defended by concord and the home navy (i.e. the 1.0 starter systems). Spawn a few more belts in those systems (err... large scale asteroid relocation by tractor beam/ tug teams) and the n00bs can progress while the war rages on.

And of course running indys into those systems would be highly profitable (buying the minerals at HIGH prices) - but with the highway gates down it would also be dangerous...

War itself would be easy - simply change it so that an Amarr killing a minm gains amarr standing, but lowers his already pitiful gallente and minm standings. Have hostile navies hang near stations etc.

Cmon guys do it now Razz

Eternity INC.
Mercenary Coalition

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Posted - 2003.12.09 11:29:00 - [48]

Maybe each empire would evacuate a load of civilians from stations into the the noob starter systems - which all empires agree are no-fighting zones defended by concord and the home navy (i.e. the 1.0 starter systems). Spawn a few more belts in those systems (err... large scale asteroid relocation by tractor beam/ tug teams) and the n00bs can progress while the war rages on.

And of course running indys into those systems would be highly profitable (buying the minerals at HIGH prices) - but with the highway gates down it would also be dangerous...

War itself would be easy - simply change it so that an Amarr killing a minm gains amarr standing, but lowers his already pitiful gallente and minm standings. Have hostile navies hang near stations etc.

Cmon guys do it now Razz

Gaius Kador
Gaius Kador

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Posted - 2003.12.13 11:39:00 - [49]

Warmongerers Laughing

Gaius Kador
Gaius Kador
PIE Inc.

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Posted - 2003.12.13 11:39:00 - [50]

Warmongerers Laughing

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Posted - 2003.12.15 13:54:00 - [51]

and who ever said that there will be a war?

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Posted - 2003.12.15 13:54:00 - [52]

and who ever said that there will be a war?
Tigress Lee
Tigress Lee

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Posted - 2007.04.08 02:40:00 - [53]

yea totally
Biometaloid INC

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Posted - 2007.04.08 08:22:00 - [54]

ok, a here are a few war build-up ideas i came up with (amarr-minmatar):

the new amarr emperor, face to massive slave unrests, frees all minmatar slaves. the minmatar slaves can stay in amarr space and be payed a wage or head back to matari space. So massive convoys of freed slaves head into gallente and minmatar space, causing logistics havoc.

many amarr extremists are very unhappy at the release of the slaves, and some house launches a large raid fleet into the minmatar refugee zones. players on both sides will have 48 hours notice, to head to the battlegroud to defend the refugges or aid the amarr extremists (NPC capitals involved?)

for the gallente-caldari conflict i have thought of this:

civil war blossoms between dissagreeing caldari megacorps (pacifists against nationalists) nationalists win, and send an armada straight at caldari prime, players can iof course join in.

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Biometaloid INC

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Posted - 2007.04.08 08:23:00 - [55]

Originally by: Phoibos
and who ever said that there will be a war?

the devs?
read the stuff about revelations 2 if u dont believe me Twisted Evil

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Forum Moderator
Interstellar Services Department

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Posted - 2007.04.08 17:36:00 - [56]

Necro'ing old threads is very bad. -Lord Harold

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