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Nikolai Reidar
Nikolai Reidar

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Posted - 2004.05.20 16:17:00 - [1]

Since I wasn't around during the Amarr championships (nor at Crielere), I think this Jove thing is the best way to get players involved in the RP aspect of this game, and I'm loving it. But in the most recent explanation of this little event, one unrelated piece of information seems to have been overlooked:

On a slightly different note the first event missions (revolving around the Tal-Romon Cathedral) should make their appearance any day now, they where supposed to be already out, but a tiny hiccup has delayed things. The missions themselves are pretty standard, but basically there are two sets of missions, one for those that support what the Emperor is doing (helping him move the cathedral to Amarr Prime) and another for those that support Catiz Tash-Murkon (trying to interrupt the transportation). We will count how many players have completed each mission, and the results will dictate how the story unfolds.

I think this is a great new development, similar to what SWG does (on the conclusion of these event cycles, either the Empire or Republic receive a specific bonus or new technology to use) and makes agent running far more worthwhile. It makes the actions of the player that much more in line with the fiction of the game, which has sadly been limited to those of us lucky to read the Scope forum and decipher the meaning. It also means those of us who stick in Empire have more control over the Empires than those of us who hide out in 0.0 space, as it should be. More of this to come, I hope, CCP!

:. (In-game)
:. ph33r my HORNETS OF D00M!!!!111
Nikolai Reidar
Nikolai Reidar
The Scope

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Posted - 2004.05.20 16:17:00 - [2]

Since I wasn't around during the Amarr championships (nor at Crielere), I think this Jove thing is the best way to get players involved in the RP aspect of this game, and I'm loving it. But in the most recent explanation of this little event, one unrelated piece of information seems to have been overlooked:

On a slightly different note the first event missions (revolving around the Tal-Romon Cathedral) should make their appearance any day now, they where supposed to be already out, but a tiny hiccup has delayed things. The missions themselves are pretty standard, but basically there are two sets of missions, one for those that support what the Emperor is doing (helping him move the cathedral to Amarr Prime) and another for those that support Catiz Tash-Murkon (trying to interrupt the transportation). We will count how many players have completed each mission, and the results will dictate how the story unfolds.

I think this is a great new development, similar to what SWG does (on the conclusion of these event cycles, either the Empire or Republic receive a specific bonus or new technology to use) and makes agent running far more worthwhile. It makes the actions of the player that much more in line with the fiction of the game, which has sadly been limited to those of us lucky to read the Scope forum and decipher the meaning. It also means those of us who stick in Empire have more control over the Empires than those of us who hide out in 0.0 space, as it should be. More of this to come, I hope, CCP!

:. (In-game)
:. ph33r my HORNETS OF D00M!!!!111
Silent Guard
FREGE Alliance

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Posted - 2007.08.14 02:55:00 - [3]

And to which,Where is this > Tal-Romon Cathedral


New Age Solutions

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Posted - 2007.08.14 09:02:00 - [4]

Originally by: SithSnak3
And to which,Where is this > Tal-Romon Cathedral


Necrophilia isn't all that bad. Look at the date of the original post

Before you start thinking outside the box, try thinking inside of it.
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