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21. Revelations 2.3 Patch Deployment on Tues, 6 Nov from 1100 to 1400 GMT - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Wel i for one would like to have a more clearer statement on the release of Rev3, i can't wait tbh, but please let us know if rev3 is pushed back. CCP, let us pay the online shop with Direct Debit!!! Magners is now recruiting, evemail me or Dagazb...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.31 18:44:00
22. New Dev Blog, Nozh on Carriers Redux, Part II - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
This devblog = lose, are u guys really that clueless? (i think u allready answered this, so nm) happy fanfest, i hope u have lots of security running around WTS: 1 chimera carrier, 15 fighters and about 100 or so assorted drones and and fittin...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.24 11:32:00
23. Supercaps, Caps, Drones and Fighters, a New Zulupark Blog - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
The reason why people bring 50+ capships to a fight is... Because they can Do u need any other reason? Now i'm not sure but i thought dreads were meant to be the anti capital weapon? shreading carriers and MS apart? Mebbe boost dreads to do m...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.23 17:14:00
24. Tech II ships coming in Trinity, new Dev Blog by Fendahl - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Hehe what i expected has come true, 100% bonus to weapons, making the 4 launchers on the golem do as much damage as 8. If these figures remain, i might consider switching missionrunning ships afterall, or atleast give the golem a try and see if i...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.23 17:07:00
25. Supercaps, Caps, Drones and Fighters, a New Zulupark Blog - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Originally by: Kerfira This 'fleet fight' was most likely when he got ganked by a mothership in 0.3..... And got owned in his bs in 0.2 sec CCP, let us pay the online shop with Direct Debit!!! Magners is now recruiting, evemail me ...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.23 11:11:00
26. Supercaps, Caps, Drones and Fighters, a New Zulupark Blog - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Originally by: CCP Eris Discordia with bias I mean that you need look further then your own win button, that now might become harder to click, we think it will do some good in general but if you disagree then explain why you think it will...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.22 21:53:00
27. Supercaps, Caps, Drones and Fighters, a New Zulupark Blog - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
any word on this from ccp yet? 25 pages and counting and i'm reluctant to go through it all to find it if it is there ccp, read this thread, sofar as i can tell from the 25 pages only a handfull thinks the idea could work the rest just gave u a...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.21 19:08:00
28. Supercaps, Caps, Drones and Fighters, a New Zulupark Blog - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Originally by: FowlPlayChiken so, goonfleets constant complaining about carriers and fighters has finally done its work. I'm pretty sure this does not count for all of them, i've talked to a few goons and from what i hear they don't li...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.21 15:24:00
29. Supercaps, Caps, Drones and Fighters, a New Zulupark Blog - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
If this makes it in... WTS!!! 1 chimera carrier with mods and fighters. So a carrier is more powerfull then a BS.. IT IS ALSO 10 TIMES MORE EXPENSIVE U *insert bad word here* CCP, let us pay the online shop with Direct Debit!!! Magners is now ...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.21 13:05:00
30. New Dev Blog, an Introduction of White Wolf Enterprises - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Erm.. ccp do u have any plans on promoting all other corps in eve as well now? or is this just a little backslapping amongs palls? But anyways, welcome to u WW guys, chances are even though u just got a free 'omg join this l33t corp' promotion ...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.10.04 11:23:00
31. The Art of EVE, coming to a coffee table near you soon! New Dev Blog - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
WOW!!! Thats nice! Would be awesome if i could show that to my WOW playing collegues at work and show them EVE R0X0RZZ!!! So yeah i'd buy it from the eve store.. oh.. wait.. I CAN'T!!! WHY??? well read below!!! CCP, let us pay the online sho...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.09.07 18:56:00
32. Revelations 2.2 Post Patch Feedback Thread - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
not sure if this has been noted before but i found a miner annoyance, apparently u can nolonger link an item u searched using the search tab in ur assets window, u used to be able to link it's info into a channel by searching it then drag/dropping...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.08.30 19:47:00
33. Revelations 2.2 Post Patch Feedback Thread - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
So.. the quality control group was on a holiday i guess? Oh well this is the ccp i know! patchday always bites, u get used to it after a while for the rest, some good changes implemented, nice job. CCP, let us pay the online shop with Direct ...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.08.28 18:42:00
34. What's up with Revelations III? Find out in the new blog from Oveur - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
sure i blurt out the occational whine but this... IS GREAT!!! I can only say that i'm looking forward to all the new stuff and improvements. keep up the good work guys. CCP, let us pay the online shop with Direct Debit!!! Magners is now recr...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.08.12 18:12:00
35. New Blog, Porkbelly on the Stackless Python Upgrade - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
So when can we expect the 'juicy performance boost' again? I think it's funny that the area around Aunia/Dodixie is now laggier then ever even though the number of people in said systems hasn't increased all that much over the last few weeks. ...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.07.25 11:20:00
36. Revelations 2.1 Patch Deployment on Tues, 24 July from 0930-1200 GMT - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Cowbell huh? CCP, let us pay the online shop with Direct Debit!!! Magners is now recruiting, evemail me or Dagazbo ingame.
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.07.22 09:41:00
37. Arkanons News Item on the recent allegations of developer misconduct - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Originally by: SFShootme fix to everything:CCP should not play their own game. Allthough i understand it would suck not beeing able to play ones own game i'm starting to agree. Sadly i also fear this is a double edged sword, on 1 s...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.05.27 10:30:00
38. Arkanons News Item on the recent allegations of developer misconduct - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
*has this silly notion to humm 'Human behaviour' by 'Bjork'* Of u don't know this song i suggest u go look it up cuz it's a good song impo Anyways, 82 pages while posting this.. where are the devs or top ranking ccp staff, true or false i th...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.05.26 22:42:00
39. Arkanons News Item on the recent allegations of developer misconduct - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
This is getting scary... Hell even if the 2nd part (the banned ISD guy) was false this doesn't explain the 'BoB and CCP are buddies' thing... I mean hi ranking bob members posting this themselves? ccp please don't turn this game into 'BoB online'...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.05.26 22:10:00
40. Bloggers #57, Oveur on Content, Missions and your Feedback - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
heh... gonna watch this one closely, i'm a bit sceptic about ccp tbh, i don't mind getting goods instead of cash but how is that gonna work? no more bounties from npc's but items only? So these goods better be worth something... but wait.. if i'...
- by 000Hunter000 - at 2007.03.24 17:54:00
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