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21. Spontaneous High Quality ore belts outside of Zero sec - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Oh, so you mean that it requires you to Explore for them? (I havent looked into Exploration yet so I have no idea what it does/can do...) Regards, Jason Brisbane
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.27 05:27:00
22. 3 Pilot Mining Question - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Hi, You might want to read Haladas Mining Guide (if you havent already). At 15Km's mining droids have a long way to travel to get ore back to your hulk.. You might consider mining closer to the roid. ie: Miner A warps into Belt and warps to Roc...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.27 02:54:00
23. Spontaneous High Quality ore belts outside of Zero sec - in Science and Industry [original thread]
I thought this would be a good idea and thought id share it on this forum... What I think would be good is for some ores to appear at random times (once per week?) in a single random location (once in Tash-Murkon, then next week in Sing Laison so...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.27 02:18:00
24. Containers...should I be using them? - in Science and Industry [original thread]
I use a GSC for ICE mining in a retreiver. With two cargo extenders I cant get 3 ICE in the retreiver and 3 ICE in the GSC - which takes three cycles (24 minutes currently) which I dont have to stop the Ice harvesters. Since ICE isnt so contested...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.27 01:35:00
25. mining Processing yeild query - in Science and Industry [original thread]
helo, That is correct - the waste was always Zero . Which confused me. if I was only getting 98.75% and no waste then where does the extra percentage go? I'll be getting refine eff V one day (other skils first) and I'll deal with it then.... Doe...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.20 04:51:00
26. Mining with Cans and Tractor Beams - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Hi, Thanks to all who have contributed to this discussion. FYI: I have now moved to a different ICE system as the one I was in had no stations. Now I can mine in a Retreiver with 2 Cargo Extenders (I) making 3125 cargo units (3 ice) and have an ...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.18 05:08:00
27. mining Processing yeild query - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Hello, I have Refining L5 Refinery Efficiency L4 and various Ores L1 to L4. I process ores at a 50% area. I dont have high standings.. My question is why do I only get 98.75 refining? Where is the other 1.25% going? I've used several online calc...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.18 03:31:00
28. Mining with Cans and Tractor Beams - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Sorry, I was actually referring to Industrial's - I cant pilot Freighters..... Since my entire wealth (the highest it's been without getting ISk from friends) is 6 mill isk - 5.5 is entirely mine from mining over the past month of playing... So...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.15 05:13:00
29. Astrogeology and Mining with Strip Miners - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Pernick, Thanks. I already have it. The problem is that with the limited time I do have in the game I'm not making a lot of isk - I mine ICE for my corp at std prices and get a lot of isk, but when the secondary learning skills are 4 mill isk each...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.15 01:51:00
30. Mining with Cans and Tractor Beams - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Thanks Thoram, And in that lies my problem... With only one account (two chars but still one act), and running Linux where I would need to make changes to get both sewssions running at once - something I cant be bothered with), it leaves me with ...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.14 06:02:00
31. Mining with Cans and Tractor Beams - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Yeah, but a retriever with 4000 can only take 4 ice before its full so I wanted to be able to drop it into a can. I could still do that but will have to anchor several GSC's, fill them up and go back to get the freighter and empty the GSC's that ...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.14 04:43:00
32. Astrogeology and Mining with Strip Miners - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Hi, Yes, I've got some basic implants (beta = +2 : for some skills) and a total of 8 MILL between two characters so I will get the Perception Bonus skillbook. I've already got Spatial Awareness to L4 but have been waiting for AstroG to train L5 f...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.14 02:51:00
33. Mining with Cans and Tractor Beams - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Hello, I've heard a bit about mining and tractoring your can behind you... Can you warp back to the station like this or does the can get left behind? (Like I imagine it would?) Can you do this with an unanchored GSC?(i.e. dump the GSC into spac...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.14 02:46:00
34. Astrogeology and Mining with Strip Miners - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Thanks Jasmin, I've just finished getting it to L5 for my mining Alt but wanted to check and confirm. Now to get Mining Barge to L5 (46 days!) What skills does Mining Barge use? Perception and willpower? (I want to get the L2 learning skills an...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.14 02:00:00
35. Astrogeology and Mining with Strip Miners - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Hello, Bit of a newbie question here... The description of Astrogeology: Quote: Skill at analyzing the content of celestial objects with the intent of mining them. 5% bonus to mining turret yield per skill level. Does the 5% bonus yei...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.08.14 01:14:00
36. Defensive weapons and other suggestions against pirates. - in Science and Industry [original thread]
I've two ideas. Make the Jetcan IED's explosive enough to take out a frigate and watch as the Noob's access their own IED can and blow themselves up. Hell I could watch that for Hours!! ROFLMAO! Secondly, Why dont you get a tractor beam and tow ...
- by Darkeen - at 2008.07.15 05:09:00
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