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1. Little things / Small QoL suggestions - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Suggestion: move repackage and reprocess option further apart Keywords: ui, right click menu, items Note: useful for not accidentally losing your stuff --- for new players who are not very experienced with the right click menu for items, to not lo...
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.06.08 11:01:31
2. Sticky:Dev blog: Strategic Cruisers and You - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Yes, worth the wait. At this rate we might even get atmospheric flight when Star Citizen launches Regards, a Freelancer ps: don't make the Tengu suck
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.05.26 20:55:27
3. Announcement:119.5 - General Feedback - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Can we get the patch notes for May 10th plz
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.05.10 20:19:43
4. Announcement:Single Sign On Issues After Deployment of 119.5 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Can log in finally, just in time before a can despawns
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.05.09 13:01:38
5. Announcement:119.5 - Known Issues - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
CCP you broke the launcher, start button will not work for a(ny) account
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.05.09 12:06:55
6. EFT v2.13.4 - Incursion 1.4.1 - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
A year without an update, I guess that's the end of that Tyvm for giving us such a tremendous tool in the past Gripen o7 Regards, a Freelancer
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.05.06 19:23:34
7. Sticky:Dev Blog: PLEX Rework - Follow Up - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
I think the idea of a Plex vault is faulty, New Eden is a dangerous environment with risks (for traders and freelancers) and rewards (for pirates and gankers). If you travel around with one old Plex (or soon 500 mini plex) you bound to get ganke...
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.04.04 20:37:28
8. 3 best feature additions to Eve since you started playing? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
DeMichael Crimson wrote: CCP Darwin wrote: OK, I'll play: Multi-buy interface (So convenient!)
Physically-based rendering (I spent years working as a digital lighter. This change was huge.)
Clone State Alpha (Because it's awesome t...
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.18 11:51:35
9. Sticky:Dev blog: PLEX Changes On The Way! - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Nice Win - Win situation you created for yourselves CCP games. Most F2P games have many currencies to dazzle their customers, but you have chosen to stick with just the "one".... PLEX And for bookkeeping reasons it can still be tracked as deferr...
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.17 18:28:17
10. Sticky:Dev blog: PLEX Changes On The Way! - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Good thing you are moving away from multiple in game currencies, usually a F2P game tends to bombard you with many types
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.17 16:55:34
11. Sticky:Dev blog: PLEX Changes On The Way! - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Quote: Q: With smaller PLEX, will I be able to buy less than 30 days of Omega time? A: We currently we have no plans regarding smaller game time packages. The Bull-shite is strong with this one source:
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.17 16:42:51
12. Sticky:Monthly Economic Report - February 2017 - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
No Bonus graph
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.17 16:28:20
13. Steve Ronuken for CSM XII - in CSM Campaigns [original thread]
I do not agree with everything you say, but you are the best proven candidate, voted no.1, best of luck
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.09 10:02:53
14. Erika Mizune (aka Yumene) Running for CSM XII ~ - in CSM Campaigns [original thread]
Just voted for you nice interview:
Regards, a Freelancer
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.09 10:01:27
15. Can I run for CSM on the platform of Completing Captians Quarters. - in CSM Campaigns [original thread]
CCPgames dropped the ball on this one years ago, with their own build Carbon engine. As paying customers we sadly have to look elsewhere for a proper Ambulation (WiS) Good try though, wish you are on the ballot, but for whatever reason the Comp...
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.08 11:47:24
16. Sticky:This Week in EVE #145 - Week 9/2017 - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Leucy Kerastase wrote: You forgot to add CCP's breaking up with Nexon and dropping Japanese language support for the EVE online client. How much does it cost t...
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.03.05 18:05:28
17. Sticky:[March] Rorqual and Mining changes - in Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center [original thread]
Grath Telkin wrote: Cade Windstalker wrote: Grath Telkin wrote: Right, so this was just a cash grab that CCP pulled to get players interested in a ship only to run it back into uselessness 2 months later after players had invested heavily...
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.02.27 20:39:50
18. Sticky:[March] Rorqual and Mining changes - in Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center [original thread]
When the 'Excavator' ore mining drones cost 700M instead of 1,7B a piece, this change will make sense
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.02.27 19:32:56
19. Sticky:[March] Mining Drone Specialization skill and T2 Mining Drones - in Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center [original thread]
Can we have T2 salvage drones, with perhaps a higher salvage access chance compared to T1 drones and a bit more maximum velocity and hp/resistances
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.02.26 18:52:12
20. Citadel histories - in Jita Park Speakers Corner [original thread]
Is there a way to view the history of a citadel, like previous owners, last tax rate, date of creation, kill marks on the hull, etc
- by Freelancer117 - at 2017.02.22 17:50:38
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