Statistics for thread
ECM Ships - Looking at better defined roles
General statistics  
Total posts 1112
First post 2009-03-24 17:37:00
Last post 2009-03-31 10:27:00
Duration 7 days (active period), 5505 days (since first post)
Daily average 158,9 posts/day (active period), 0,2 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 148 390
Longest post Matrixcvd (5318 characters, posted 2009-03-25 05:24:00)
Average post length 1 032,7 chars/post
Unique authors 614 (avg 1,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Alex Harumichi 22 (2,0%)
Karlemgne 18 (1,6%)
Fahtim Meidires 17 (1,5%)
Yunaka Vicc 14 (1,3%)
Rumpelstilski 12 (1,1%)
Childstar 11 (1,0%)
EgoMan 10 (0,9%)
Ilija Veliki 10 (0,9%)
Johan Sabbat 10 (0,9%)
GTC seller72 9 (0,8%)
Marrano Cardosa 9 (0,8%)
TZeer 9 (0,8%)
Cletus Graeme 8 (0,7%)
Esmenet 7 (0,6%)
Malcanis 7 (0,6%)
Sig Sour 7 (0,6%)
CCP Chronotis 7 (0,6%)
Dee Carson 6 (0,5%)
Ellatan Deruimte 6 (0,5%)
Jalif 6 (0,5%)
maralt 6 (0,5%)
Scarlet Pimpernel 6 (0,5%)
Sebea 6 (0,5%)
Seran Kela 6 (0,5%)
Solid Prefekt 6 (0,5%)
TheLibrarian 6 (0,5%)
Yonker 6 (0,5%)
GateScout 5 (0,4%)
Hun Jakuza 5 (0,4%)
Liang Nuren 5 (0,4%)
Lijhal 5 (0,4%)
Lindsay Logan 5 (0,4%)
Morikai Acler 5 (0,4%)
Quesa 5 (0,4%)
Research Rachel 5 (0,4%)
Samiloth Justinian 5 (0,4%)
Sertan Deras 5 (0,4%)
Vladimir Norkoff 5 (0,4%)
Yakov Draken 5 (0,4%)
Alekanderu 4 (0,4%)
Dibsi Dei 4 (0,4%)
DNSBLACK 4 (0,4%)
Ephemeron 4 (0,4%)
Jack Gates 4 (0,4%)
Letifer Deus 4 (0,4%)
Muad' Dib 4 (0,4%)
Nemtar Nataal 4 (0,4%)
Pallidum Treponema 4 (0,4%)
Raquel Trotter 4 (0,4%)
Rordan D'Kherr 4 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 653 (58,7%)
GoonSwarm 84 (7,6%)
Electus Matari 27 (2,4%)
Dara Cothrom 20 (1,8%)
Against ALL Authorities 18 (1,6%)
Atlas Alliance 17 (1,5%)
Sons of Tangra 17 (1,5%)
Band of Brothers Reloaded 13 (1,2%)
Turbo. 13 (1,2%)
Minor Threat. 12 (1,1%)
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive 11 (1,0%)
Morsus Mihi 11 (1,0%)
RAZOR Alliance 11 (1,0%)
Rote Kapelle 9 (0,8%)
Pandemic Legion 8 (0,7%)
Tau Ceti Federation 8 (0,7%)
Dirt Nap Associates 7 (0,6%)
Imperial Republic Of the North 7 (0,6%)
Triumvirate. 6 (0,5%)
Veto Corp 6 (0,5%)
Wildly Inappropriate. 6 (0,5%)
Blackguard Coalition 5 (0,4%)
Vanguard. 5 (0,4%)
KrautbreaK 4 (0,4%)
Molotov Coalition 4 (0,4%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 377 (33,9%)
GoonFleet 64 (5,8%)
Tides Of War 32 (2,9%)
Gradient 27 (2,4%)
R.E.C.O.N. 18 (1,6%)
Asshats and Alcoholics 12 (1,1%)
Divine Retribution 12 (1,1%)
Duty. 12 (1,1%)
Revenent Defence Corperation 10 (0,9%)
BURN EDEN 9 (0,8%)
Rage and Terror 8 (0,7%)
Seppuku Warriors 8 (0,7%)
Battlestars 7 (0,6%)
Evolution 7 (0,6%)
Sebiestor tribe 7 (0,6%)
Stimulus 7 (0,6%)
Trotters Independent Trading 7 (0,6%)
Black Sinisters 6 (0,5%)
Bottomfeeders Science and Research 6 (0,5%)
Clan Eshin 6 (0,5%)
Dirt Nap Squad 6 (0,5%)
Di-Tron Heavy Industries 6 (0,5%)
SniggWaffe 6 (0,5%)
The seers of truth 6 (0,5%)
24th Imperial Guard 5 (0,4%)
Amok. 5 (0,4%)
Beyond Divinity Inc 5 (0,4%)
Body Count Inc. 5 (0,4%)
Demon Theory 5 (0,4%)
FrEE d00M Fighters 5 (0,4%)
Income Redistribution Service 5 (0,4%)
Merch Industrial 5 (0,4%)
No Salvation 5 (0,4%)
North Eastern Swat 5 (0,4%)
Veto. 5 (0,4%)
0utbreak 4 (0,4%)
181st Legion 4 (0,4%)
Annihilate. 4 (0,4%)
coracao ardente 4 (0,4%)
Demonic Retribution 4 (0,4%)
Earned In Blood 4 (0,4%)
Fallen Angel's 4 (0,4%)
IMpAct Corp 4 (0,4%)
Omega Enterprises 4 (0,4%)
Salamyhkaisten kilta 4 (0,4%)
The Arrow Project 4 (0,4%)
The Bastards 4 (0,4%)
Ars ex Discordia 3 (0,3%)
Aurelius Federation 3 (0,3%)

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