Statistics for thread
POSes: I am a small portion of the community
General statistics  
Total posts 3088
First post 2013-01-17 03:39:00
Last post 2016-05-06 03:31:17
Duration 1205 days (active period), 4115 days (since first post)
Daily average 2,6 posts/day (active period), 0,8 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 618 897
Longest post Balder Verdandi (6999 characters, posted 2013-01-19 09:15:00)
Average post length 524,3 chars/post
Unique authors 2141 (avg 1,4 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Celly Smunt 96 (3,1%)
Balder Verdandi 71 (2,3%)
Celly S 56 (1,8%)
Alx Warlord 31 (1,0%)
Frying Doom 25 (0,8%)
Heimdallofasgard 25 (0,8%)
Malcanis 22 (0,7%)
Nair Alderau 22 (0,7%)
space chikun 18 (0,6%)
Steve Ronuken 17 (0,6%)
Brooks Puuntai 16 (0,5%)
silens vesica 15 (0,5%)
Buzzy Warstl 13 (0,4%)
Hakan MacTrew 13 (0,4%)
Infinite Force 11 (0,4%)
mynnna 11 (0,4%)
Temba Ronin 11 (0,4%)
Lady Zarrina 10 (0,3%)
Arronicus 9 (0,3%)
Borlag Crendraven 9 (0,3%)
Gogela 9 (0,3%)
Two step 9 (0,3%)
Aryth 8 (0,3%)
Ayeson 8 (0,3%)
Deadcode Analord 8 (0,3%)
Mara Rinn 8 (0,3%)
Pak Narhoo 8 (0,3%)
Bagrat Skalski 7 (0,2%)
Ciara Talari 7 (0,2%)
Cid Tazer 7 (0,2%)
Marsan 7 (0,2%)
Snow Axe 7 (0,2%)
Asayanami Dei 6 (0,2%)
Dersen Lowery 6 (0,2%)
Dring Dingle 6 (0,2%)
Rengerel en Distel 6 (0,2%)
Santa Spirit 6 (0,2%)
Alekseyev Karrde 5 (0,2%)
Andy Landen 5 (0,2%)
Demyen 5 (0,2%)
Eliniale 5 (0,2%)
Flamespar 5 (0,2%)
Kara Kardan 5 (0,2%)
Nariya Kentaya 5 (0,2%)
Rees Noturana 5 (0,2%)
Revolution Rising 5 (0,2%)
Sedilis 5 (0,2%)
Tover Chris 5 (0,2%)
Winthorp 5 (0,2%)
Akyla Dey 4 (0,1%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 884 (28,6%)
Goonswarm Federation 192 (6,2%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 113 (3,7%)
Amarr Empire 102 (3,3%)
Ivy League 88 (2,8%)
Fatal Ascension 82 (2,7%)
Kill It With Fire 68 (2,2%)
Gentlemen's Agreement 59 (1,9%)
Caldari State 57 (1,8%)
Sleeper Social Club 57 (1,8%)
The Ditanian Alliance 54 (1,7%)
Minmatar Republic 52 (1,7%)
Gallente Federation 41 (1,3%)
Talocan United 40 (1,3%)
Transmission Lost 40 (1,3%)
Exhale. 37 (1,2%)
I Whip My Slaves Back and Forth 37 (1,2%)
Fidelas Constans 35 (1,1%)
Tribal Conclave 31 (1,0%)
K162 30 (1,0%)
WHY so Seri0Us 27 (0,9%)
Tactical Narcotics Team 24 (0,8%)
The Initiative. 24 (0,8%)
Adhocracy 21 (0,7%)
Get Off My Lawn 21 (0,7%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
GoonWaffe 102 (3,3%)
EVE University 88 (2,8%)
- 87 (2,8%)
Concord Attraction Services 77 (2,5%)
Viziam 72 (2,3%)
Czerka. 61 (2,0%)
Future Corps 57 (1,8%)
Dreddit 51 (1,7%)
Hard Knocks Inc. 45 (1,5%)
Lead Farmers 39 (1,3%)
Fweddit 37 (1,2%)
The Red Circle Inc. 32 (1,0%)
Apex Overplayed Coalition 31 (1,0%)
Aperture Harmonics 30 (1,0%)
Vanishing Point. 24 (0,8%)
Republic Military School 22 (0,7%)
Adhocracy Incorporated 21 (0,7%)
Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium 21 (0,7%)
Wildly Inappropriate 19 (0,6%)
Fuzzwork Enterprises 17 (0,6%)
Caldari Provisions 16 (0,5%)
River-Rats in space 16 (0,5%)
Solar Nexus. 16 (0,5%)
Corsair Cartel 15 (0,5%)
Science and Trade Institute 14 (0,5%)
The Praxis Initiative 14 (0,5%)
Zat's Affiliated Traders 14 (0,5%)
Pretenders Inc 13 (0,4%)
The Strontium Asylum 13 (0,4%)
State War Academy 12 (0,4%)
Eternity INC. 11 (0,4%)
Hammer Of Light 11 (0,4%)
I N E X T R E M I S 11 (0,4%)
Northstar Cabal 11 (0,4%)
Bite Me inc 10 (0,3%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 10 (0,3%)
E.M.P. Industries 10 (0,3%)
High Intellion 10 (0,3%)
Freeport Exploration 9 (0,3%)
Imperial Academy 9 (0,3%)
Saiph Industries 9 (0,3%)
Senex Legio 9 (0,3%)
Shockwave Innovations 9 (0,3%)
The Scope 9 (0,3%)
University of Caille 9 (0,3%)
Vintas Industries 9 (0,3%)
Cosmic Goo Convertor 8 (0,3%)
Enlightened Industries 8 (0,3%)

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