Statistics for thread
ISK for GTCs for Cash discussion
General statistics  
Total posts 455
First post 2007-05-04 22:42:00
Last post 2007-05-07 10:45:00
Duration 3 days (active period), 6518 days (since first post)
Daily average 151,7 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 513 497
Longest post Felysta Sandorn (4887 characters, posted 2007-05-06 13:49:00)
Average post length 1 128,6 chars/post
Unique authors 189 (avg 2,4 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Marquis Dean 26 (5,7%)
IlIlIlIlI IlIlIlIlI 20 (4,4%)
PDoggy 17 (3,7%)
Earthan 16 (3,5%)
Nero Scuro 16 (3,5%)
Craam Hustler 13 (2,9%)
voogru 13 (2,9%)
Crumplecorn 11 (2,4%)
Briana Flametop 9 (2,0%)
ToxicFire 9 (2,0%)
Felysta Sandorn 8 (1,8%)
Creepin 7 (1,5%)
James Duar 7 (1,5%)
VossKarr 7 (1,5%)
Argenton Sayvers 5 (1,1%)
Ionia 5 (1,1%)
Monty Burns 5 (1,1%)
pyschosis 5 (1,1%)
Roscoe Rhoads 5 (1,1%)
The Slayette 5 (1,1%)
Zanarkand 5 (1,1%)
BubbaZanetti 4 (0,9%)
Cassiuss 4 (0,9%)
Riddick Valer 4 (0,9%)
Team Chk 4 (0,9%)
Dranadar 3 (0,7%)
AsmodeaN 3 (0,7%)
Avon 3 (0,7%)
Carsidava 3 (0,7%)
alexreborn 3 (0,7%)
Al Thorr 3 (0,7%)
Akita T 3 (0,7%)
Kairi Elan 3 (0,7%)
Kerfira 3 (0,7%)
Maya Rkell 3 (0,7%)
Montague Zooma 3 (0,7%)
nickky01 3 (0,7%)
Scarlet Azmodea 3 (0,7%)
Sorted 3 (0,7%)
Space Pirate 3 (0,7%)
Thews Mortaza 3 (0,7%)
Topaz Skydiver 3 (0,7%)
Rauth Kivaro 3 (0,7%)
Angelo Dell'Agio 2 (0,4%)
Ciphero 2 (0,4%)
CmdrThor 2 (0,4%)
Del Narveux 2 (0,4%)
Dominique Vasilkovsky 2 (0,4%)
Deus Ex'Machina 2 (0,4%)
Easy Target 2 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 354 (77,8%)
Dark Nebula Galactic Empire 9 (2,0%)
We Are Nice Guys 9 (2,0%)
Band of Brothers 8 (1,8%)
E N I G M A 8 (1,8%)
Ka-Tet 6 (1,3%)
GoonSwarm 5 (1,1%)
Against ALL Authorities 4 (0,9%)
Privateer Alliance 4 (0,9%)
Rule of Three 4 (0,9%)
Cult of War 3 (0,7%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 3 (0,7%)
Firmus Ixion 3 (0,7%)
Interstellar Services Department 3 (0,7%)
The Forsaken Empire 3 (0,7%)
All the things she said 2 (0,4%)
INVICTUS. 2 (0,4%)
Mercenary Coalition 2 (0,4%)
Pandemic Legion 2 (0,4%)
Triumvirate. 2 (0,4%)
Alektorophobia 1 (0,2%)
Anarchy Empire 1 (0,2%)
Apocalyptica. 1 (0,2%)
Betrayal Under Mayhem 1 (0,2%)
Essence Enterprises 1 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 128 (28,1%)
Energy. 26 (5,7%)
Hos B4 Bros 20 (4,4%)
Valid Character Corporation 17 (3,7%)
Jejaikaro Corporation 16 (3,5%)
The Absolutely Amazing Fire Eaters 16 (3,5%)
Massive Damage 13 (2,9%)
ReTech 13 (2,9%)
Eve Cluster Explorations 11 (2,4%)
Merch Industrial 9 (2,0%)
Phoenix Knights 9 (2,0%)
Murder of Crows 8 (1,8%)
Caldari Provisions 7 (1,5%)
The 6th Directorate 7 (1,5%)
Rampage Eternal 6 (1,3%)
Advanced Manufacturing 5 (1,1%)
Black Nova Corp 5 (1,1%)
Outer Heaven DARPA 5 (1,1%)
Privateers 4 (0,9%)
STK Scientific 4 (0,9%)
Ars ex Discordia 3 (0,7%)
Brutor tribe 3 (0,7%)
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force 3 (0,7%)
Forsaken Empire 3 (0,7%)
Forum Moderator 3 (0,7%)
Imperial Dreams 3 (0,7%)
Narrative Freshfood 3 (0,7%)
The Collective 3 (0,7%)
The Wheel 3 (0,7%)
Autumn Tactics 2 (0,4%)
Evolution 2 (0,4%)
eXceed Inc. 2 (0,4%)
Exiled. 2 (0,4%)
FinFleet 2 (0,4%)
Imperial Academy 2 (0,4%)
Infinitus Odium 2 (0,4%)
Missioners Anonymous 2 (0,4%)
Obsidian Angels Enterprises 2 (0,4%)
Pillowsoft 2 (0,4%)
Provenance. 2 (0,4%)
Shih Yang Tong 2 (0,4%)
Siegecraft Bounty Hunting 2 (0,4%)
Sniggerdly 2 (0,4%)
Techmart Industries 2 (0,4%)
0utbreak 1 (0,2%)
ACCORD Industries 1 (0,2%)
Aliastra 1 (0,2%)
Anqara Expeditions 1 (0,2%)
Art of War 1 (0,2%)

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bitcoin: 1CHRiBBArqpw5Yz7x5KS2RRtN5ubEn5gF