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Posted - 2006.02.02 08:00:00 -
Originally by: Baldour Ngarr Yes, it does royally suck that there is no part of EVE where people are safe. This game has the absolutely perfect setup to cater for total PvP hardcore players, total carebears, and every shade in between ... but CCP don't seem to want that many people playing.
Try docking.

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:01:00 -
Originally by: Kurai Amaro Hi to all,
how do i start...I was on travel in my Mammoth filled with loot, stuff, BPOs (all of them)..named Guns most Tech II stuff, Tags and all my minerals on my way to to my home via Jita coming from Rens. In jita i was taken out by a player called Theoraden in a Raven. Hi killed my Hauler in very short time with a 250mm Railgun Hit before Concorde and the Sentrys could take him out.
I have no clue why he shot at me...i have no clue why it tooks so long for Concorde to protect the players in a 1.0 sec Space. But what i do know now is. All my stuff collected though 1 3/4 Years playing time are gone by another player. How does that work? You think now he was in his pod. May be yeah may be he could make it out and didnt even lost his Raven.
The other player Jentai or Jental picked my loot. And he bumped my Hauler Mammoth right before the gate and Theoraden start shooting at me. Before he did that he targeted me to scan my ship (yellow half squares around his ship). I didnt react and the rest is known.
After the whole tragdey i petitioned that to a GM as a possible exploit. Thats the answer...
[...] That's right. He probably cargo-scanned you and then risked his battleship in order to catch your loot. I'm afraid that this is not classified as an exploit, as anyone is free to attack anyone anywhere, as long as the culprit accepts the consequences of his action. I'm very sorry for your loss and I sincerely hope you will recover as quickly as possible. [...]
Sure, this is it. All is sayed. May be some ppls think i do a wine here. Somehow i do and they are right. But if you loose all of your collected loot on one shot..think how you would react. All of the thigs you collected though a long long time just been blown by another player because of his way to play a game. Theoraden did not do that the first time with his alt/comrade/second char...this is his final main plan, on ruin other players because they may do play the right way and he wont wait and get rich in a faster time. Yes yes...dont travel in haulers though Jita if these guys are on the gate. And if there would be a chance to talk to this real life, i would tell him some very privat reasons not to act like this.
All i can do now is shoot him, if i can get him. His comrade alt i cant touch. So if his raven was even insured he get some money back. He will lost 150 millions...may be?? I lost lots of billions in 1.0 Security space, nearly my complete carreer. This was commented by a GM with .."Dont transport all in one haul.." Without war...without having targeted another player...without shooting at him. It was just me who was on travel at the wrong time though the wrong game. Yes, after all its time to quit this game because this is more then a nerf. Years of playing hasent left anything and my ruin was quitted with "If you finish, may i get all your other stuff?"... Thanks to CCP and Thanks to the GM.
Kurai Amaro
Trust me....I know what you are saying! Any moment when I have the chance to kill a bastard pirate I DO IT! The hell with them .... and with all the stupids that say that..."hm....transport the valuable stuff in cargos" IN 1.0 ??? What happens in 0.0 then??

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:13:00 -
Edited by: w0rmy on 02/02/2006 08:13:02
Originally by: Pryest
Anyone committing an act of piracy in 0.5-1.0 space voids their insurance policy...this means that they actually have to cut into their profit to replace their ship and mods...
So then you do it in a t1 vexor...
6mill lost in total, without insurance.
raven for the overkill!

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:17:00 -
Originally by: Turaya Trust me....I know what you are saying! Any moment when I have the chance to kill a bastard pirate I DO IT! The hell with them .... and with all the stupids that say that..."hm....transport the valuable stuff in cargos" IN 1.0 ??? What happens in 0.0 then??
In 0.0 you have instas, warp core stabs fitted, scouting info and, if you're transporting something really valuable, friends to escort and clear the way for you. ------------------------ I don't believe in sigs.

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:17:00 -
They make Tech 2 industrials like the Occator which are great for resisting a pop like this while the sentries finish them off.
Or you can can your stuff to prevent scanning being so easy for them.
Sorry for your lose, but I've started over from scratch multiple times by choice. You have 1.5 million skill points more then people just starting. Maybe this game isn't for you?
Originally by: kieron ...possible causes for an extended downtime, I think playing WoW would be close to the bottom of the list, probably between shaving cats and having dental work done w/o anethesia.

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:22:00 -
Hmmm...I figured someone would try and derail my suggestion...exactly how does one blow up a hauler in 1.0 with a t1 cruiser before you go pop? No setup I know of deals that kind of damage that quickly....if it could be done with a Vexor...the pirates would be using them to do it...if you dont know what you are talking about plz refrain from posting...over and out.

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:23:00 -
sorry to hear your loss, but suicide tactics are not new

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:26:00 -
This is just like real life, the cops show up AFTER a crime, not before. The threat of police violence is enough to act as a deterrant for most people.
So just as in real life YOU need to take some personal responsibilities for what happens, you should not expect to be coddled by the government.
This kind of thing should have been obvious to you, everyone knows that in Jita there's enough time to kill a soft target before the cops kill you. Look at the suicide kessies that kill macro miners, did you think for a second that it couldn't possibly happen to you?
Next time use an Inty to move BPOs.

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:29:00 -
I read the original poster with my mouth open. Spilled my morning coffee. You claim that you have played eve for two years, but are unaware of pirates who camp inbound gates of trade systems in 1.0 space? You also wonder why you were attacked in a hauler, filled with BPO's.
Last time my friend transferred BPO's in empire, we used fully fitted interceptor and a scout(yes, a scout in empire) as we ran through the systems. Each gate was checked of BS's or HAC's hovering at assault range before ceptor jumped through.
As a player who has played for several years and you do not have this kind of understanding of EVE, I have to be honest here and say, you deserved your losses. There is no execuse ever to carry such load in a simple hauler when its very well known and stated by CCP ages ago that there is no such thing as safe space. All newbie guides and professional guides are filled with tagline - "Never undock with ship and cargo you can not afford to lose". You undocked in hauler containing everything you owned - that's so huge mistake there is no game mechanic or blaming the pirates here. You screwed up, blaming others or the game won't do any good here, you need to look at the mirror.
EVE space is filled with valuable transports every day - one few of them are flown out without friends and protection. In MMORPG where death is massive thing like in EVE, I have to ask you a question: Why did you go on this hauling trip alone in the first place? Ignorance? Overconfidence? Just using common sense one would have asked for a scout in such case, BS hoovering at gate would have alarmed your scout in no time and you could have safespotted. There is absolutely no blaming for game mechanics - since there is counter for such loss and that is teamwork and correct tools for the job. (Fast agile ships for BPO's and use of scout)
Congratulations for the bold pirate who waited at the gates for several days to achive this. I'm sorry for the OP for such hard lesson about importance of teamwork.
-- Chimaera Pact - Monkey say, Monkey do. |

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:29:00 -
Originally by: Pryest Hmmm...I figured someone would try and derail my suggestion...exactly how does one blow up a hauler in 1.0 with a t1 cruiser before you go pop? No setup I know of deals that kind of damage that quickly....if it could be done with a Vexor...the pirates would be using them to do it...if you dont know what you are talking about plz refrain from posting...over and out.
It can be done easily with a vexor, just ask Captain Rogi. Infact ill wager everything you have remaining vs everything I have on this.
Prepared to put your remaining isk where your mouth is?

Corp Scammer
Posted - 2006.02.02 08:34:00 -
Moving everything at once - thats just shall i say dumb. Even through high sec where they can pop up - yuo should have moved it in multiple moves - move valuable t2 BPOs in a fast frig - AF even. All i can say is recover and a warning to others this can happen in high sec get youre resistances up - get some armour plating on and dont go afk hauling (instas are even better)

Telemicus Thrace
Posted - 2006.02.02 08:40:00 -
Originally by: Corp Scammer Moving everything at once - thats just shall i say dumb. Even through high sec where they can pop up - yuo should have moved it in multiple moves - move valuable t2 BPOs in a fast frig - AF even. All i can say is recover and a warning to others this can happen in high sec get youre resistances up - get some armour plating on and dont go afk hauling (instas are even better)
For hauling BPOs you can't go past a CovOps ship. As for the rest of it I think you can chill a bit. Just pimp up your hauler a bit and be smart about it.
 "I cannot hear what you say for the thunder of what you are." - Zulu proverb. |

Oro Masut
Posted - 2006.02.02 08:40:00 -
My condolensces for loosing all your stuff, that must suck big time. TBH, i would quit too, and wouldn't bother regaining all my ****. There are enough good games out there where you don't have to take this kind of drawback and punishment for an error. Yes an error, but initially from your part. After playing for that long a time, you should have been aware that nothing in EvE is really safe and transporting your whole "lifework" sure needs some planing ahead. I am playing not even a month and so far i only lost one frigate to a gatecamper (b/c i was flying afk through lowsec ) and a Thorax to some mission rats, because i so sucked. Anyways...i moved my "base" and transported all my stuff which is only like maybe 10 million worth. 16 jumps. I used cargo cans and for transporting the most valubale items i used a frig, fitting stabs, an AB and however many shield + armor upgrades it would allow. no weapons. For the minerals i used an armored industrial,stabs + AB. If i habe any valuable blueprints, i prolly would have shipped them in a velator.
Part of the fun in EvE is, that you virtually have to be on your toes all the time. Loosing almost 2 years work sure isn't fun and i do agree that some things should be changed. To make risk vs. reward more challenging in 0.5+, the insurance shouldn't pay, if you get ganked by CONCORD. Ok, in your case, it wouldnt't have kept the pirate from attacking, since he clearly traded his Raven for your loot and tbh, this would have been tempting even for me if i could have handled it. Since i am pretty new to this game, i guess in "bumping" you mean he used another ship to run into yours thus prolonging warp-alignment ? If CCP would implement a halfway decent physical engine, where mass comes into play (come on guys and gals, it is not THAT hard) it could prevent this, or at least make it more realistic. No idea though, what ship his mate was using. Then again, the insurance system could be expanded, so that you can insure your stuff,, or at least T2 stuff, maybe paying per jump based on local average of the items or whatever. Ok, there is potential for an exploit there...
Anyways, although it does suck big time and CCp will loose a customer over this and prolly more, if incidents like these keep going on, alas, it is the way this game works and you either decide to deal with it, or you just move on. can run away, you will just die tired Oro Masut

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:47:00 -
Originally by: w0rmy It can be done easily with a vexor, just ask Captain Rogi. Infact ill wager everything you have remaining vs everything I have on this.
Prepared to put your remaining isk where your mouth is?
Always smacking w0rmy

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:51:00 -
Originally by: res0nance
Always smacking w0rmy
Complete and utter lies!
Just pointing out fact

Keta Min
Posted - 2006.02.02 08:56:00 -
haha that's the punishment for stupidity  that 'griefer' got hundreds of millions if not billions in loot. i'd say a very successful act of piracy, grats.

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:57:00 -
Originally by: Ardent Rellik
Cargo Scanner Will Show Contents of the Cargo. If you Scan a Ship You will see contents. If the ship contains cargo cans - thats all you are going to see.
If you scan an INDIVIDUAL cargo can hanging in space - you will see the contents of the can. But you can not scan a CONTAINER within a Ship. Just doesent work that way.
I'm sorry but this isn't true unless it works different for people being in the same corporation.
I asked a corporation member to scan my badger and instead of seeing the 3 GSCs (with password set btw) and 2 normal cargo containers his cargo scanner showed EVERYTHING I was carrying inside the containers.
He didn't even SEE the containers at all.
Only thing not tested is if someone who isn't in the same corporation scans me...

Posted - 2006.02.02 08:58:00 -
congrats theo,

Posted - 2006.02.02 09:05:00 -
You should ask your corp for an escort if you're going to carry all your stuff somewhere, however safe you think that space is.
I name my cans 'can1' 'can2' 'can3' etc. Who's going to gamble on popping you to see if there's anything in them. ----------------------------------- A gun and a packet of sandwiches.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S Thompson

Posted - 2006.02.02 09:08:00 -
There're ways to suicide all types of ship in highsec. If freigthers would actually drop loot.. ohh man. It's just a matter of dedication, cause if you really want something killed, it can be done.
As others explained, cops show up after or during a crime, not before. The only way to prevent crimes from happening in 0.5-1.0 would be to not allow offensive modules online. Though I can't see that happening. Minimize the risk by using faster and/or stronger ships. Haul one module at the time. Haul in freigthers for the time being. Might not be practical but you will have your vision of "safe" right there.
If someone really wants YOU dead for whatever reason, then by their free will they can make it happen.
I'am also pretty sure that cargo scanners will see what's in cans.

Posted - 2006.02.02 09:09:00 -
Originally by: chillz You should ask your corp for an escort if you're going to carry all your stuff somewhere, however safe you think that space is.
Except an escort through empire is not going to prevent the distruction of your ship, and numerous of its contents.
If concord and sentrys cannot take out a cru iserbe fore he can pop ahau l er,yo ure s cort isnt going to be ab leto either.
Just use your brains, haul multiple loads, use better ships etc etc

Posted - 2006.02.02 09:15:00 -
thx for posting this... seem a good way to make isk... /me goes fir rawen and start ganking hmm i wonder if 2 rawens could take down a freighter before concorded... I will make u into biosource... |

Pheonix Grey
Posted - 2006.02.02 09:17:00 -
So if this is the case, and that as long as the pilot accepts the consequences why did zombie get banned for holding up jita? they accepted the consequences. They knew eventually their ships would get destroyed.. they were well within the game mechanics.. but still they got banned... *shrug* 
Phe0nix ----------------
Originally by: Narciss Sevar
OMGZ0r my guns c0st eve!

Hohenheim OfLight
Posted - 2006.02.02 09:28:00 -
If i was the op I would pettion fo rthe loss of my stuff, due to lagg, After all its jitaa its laggy and if it had nto have been laggy concord may have got there in time, the op says in his post they took for ever to turn up.
I was out in 0.5 last night and an alliance mate who has two accounts one in each corp attacked, some one with the wrong alt, (all in good fun) Concord showed up in 30 secs and blew his med barge to bits.
In fact They showed up at his end alot quicker as he was taking about the exsplosion on Ventrilo before i had even seen them warp in at my end.
There for i would think it's fair to say that it was not the op#s fault we all know kita is lagged to death, infact the pierat scum probley used this fact to his advantage buying him the vita seconds to blow up you ship.
Personl i would class that as an exploit and point it out to a gm to on your pettition.
Now if this had happened out side jita where you are not lagged to ****, I would say you dont stand a cahnce, but pettition it to a loss due to lagg and explotation of lagg, who knows you may jsut stand a chance.
If the Mod says "Are loggs dont show any think" tell him to shove it out his arse, everyone every where knows the hubs have stupid lag. You dont need a log file to tell you that.
Good luck.
------------------------------------------------- Contribute to the buy Hohenheim a carrier fund in game now! |

Posted - 2006.02.02 09:31:00 -
Quote: why did zombie get banned for holding up yulai
Because the GMs wanted them to leave and they didnt want to leave. And Zombies didn¦t get banned, just forced to leave the game for some days. It was the most unfair act GMs ever did in EVE. The game was like it was and Zombies found a good way to pirate highsec, tanking the sentrys+concord while smartbombing traffic. Carebear-mass-crying made the GMs do this mistake and CCP lost a lot of reputation in my eyes.
Forum: Movies: Killboard:

Posted - 2006.02.02 09:32:00 -
Originally by: Exile Devaltos It dosn't matter what anyone winges about, this game is based on REALISM.
True, but if that's the case, I find it complete nonsense that if someone uses a Raven for piracy in 1.0 space knowing he'll get killed by CONCORD, he still gets his bloody insurance money back. In the Real World, such an act would void the insurance in an instant!
Sonnema is recruiting! |

Dimitri Chandler
Posted - 2006.02.02 09:33:00 -
Condolences to the OP, but the point is that you should never put all your eggs in one basket.
Suppose, for example, you won ú5m on the lottery in RL. You wouldn't walk around London with it in my pocket, no matter how many police were about. --------------------------------------------------

Posted - 2006.02.02 09:38:00 -
Originally by: Dimitri Chandler
Suppose, for example, you won ú5m on the lottery in RL. You wouldn't walk around London with it in my pocket, no matter how many police were about.
No, but he may walk around with it in his own pocket 

Dimitri Chandler
Posted - 2006.02.02 09:44:00 -
nitpick --------------------------------------------------

Posted - 2006.02.02 09:44:00 -
Originally by: Kurai Amaro Why shall i fly 30 jumps though safe space with millions of tons of items twice, if i move though "safe" space??? Where is the declaration of the game, where it says that you are safe in 1.0??? You are not! No bloody space is safe anymore, if this is allowed and you cant travel though 1.0 - 0.9 space anymore? And where is the sense behind it if i get an answer "dont travel all your stuff in one haul"??? Why not ???
Being near a policeman don't mean that you're invulnerable to bullets. I'm sorry for your loss, but carrying so much valuable stuff in a so fragile ship was a bit stupid.
I did this once. I'll never do this again. You did know that you were scanned. Lets think a little bit: exchanging a fully fitted raven against a multi billion valuable badger? If I was a pirate, I would had to. Fortunately, i'm on the "good side" of the law . ____________________________________ Free ISP users, read this if you have connections problems |
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