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1. EvE Voice + Vista "DEP" Crashing Workaround - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
SISI is the testserver ;)
- by Arutus - at 2007.03.27 20:43:00
2. The Official Server Down Thread! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
patch day huh, ah well, good news its nothing on my end
- by Arutus - at 2006.11.14 15:33:00
3. Sisi stress test - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
hmm, i just went on SISI for the first time ever, but when i'm on there everything is like a couple months back, like my skills that right?
- by Arutus - at 2006.10.20 15:21:00
4. E-ON #5 Coming in for a landing! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I just got mine, loving the fact that EON is getting fatter every issue Iron Tide looks brilliant on my wall, too bad it was kinda folded to hell but i worked out most of the creases...
- by Arutus - at 2006.10.09 12:59:00
5. [PETITION] bring back the WARP sound - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
hell yes it need to come back /SIGNED
- by Arutus - at 2006.08.27 02:20:00
6. Drone overview bugged! - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
I have the same thing but with my gang overview. Resetting windows to default does not help, clearing cache does not help...any thoughts?
- by Arutus - at 2006.08.27 02:12:00
7. After much experimentation, a really good 0.0 ratting Ferox setup - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Taerenius missiles: heavy missiles 3 missile bombardment 2 missile projection 2 warhead upgrades 2 missile launcher operation 4 rapid fire 3 Was wondering if you didn't mean Rapid Launch instead of Rapid Fire? Seeing ...
- by Arutus - at 2006.04.21 17:03:00
8. Level 3 Illegal Activity (part 1) - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
I generally warp in at 60, then start travelling back in de direction i came from, that way, the second spawn will pop up just at my max range and i take them all out one by one, Thorax first...then its just a matter of taking out the miners if i ...
- by Arutus - at 2006.04.20 10:44:00
9. No subject - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
Edited by: Arutus on 20/04/2006 10:42:59 --dont read this i made a mistake :\
- by Arutus - at 2006.04.20 10:42:00
10. Skill Tree issues ( again ) - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
It seems that the training time left is now and then dislayed wrongly ingame, you'll notice it when you compare it to the time you see on this site (My Character etc.) So it wasnt time lost, you just got your hopes up from a wrong display ingame : (
- by Arutus - at 2006.04.17 01:26:00
11. Don't see new bloodlines avatar in forum - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
yip, same here, not to big a deal but would be nice to have an av., my alternate char does display though, but its an old bloodline...
- by Arutus - at 2006.04.17 01:02:00
12. Items shifting position in the Overview - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
I'm having the same problem, very annoying during combat, and i dont have it sorted to distance :\ but to type instead...any ideas?
- by Arutus - at 2006.04.17 00:57:00
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