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1. Sticky:Game of balls - Fanfest 2016 - in Out of Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
Rip. Won't be landing in Iceland before 5pm. Unfleet me plz
- by CheesusCrust - at 2016.03.02 21:03:35
2. Sticky:Game of balls - Fanfest 2016 - in Out of Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
If it's going to be any time before Wednesday, 7pm then I won't be able to make it.
- by CheesusCrust - at 2016.01.25 03:33:35
3. Sticky:Game of balls - Fanfest 2016 - in Out of Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
Sign me up, please. :) To help with team colors, I could bring some colored bibs. Got about 5 each in red, blue and green. If the tournament should be without eliminations, then I'd suggest a standard scorring table with 3-1-0 points for W-D-L. Th...
- by CheesusCrust - at 2016.01.19 13:09:07
4. HAIR for GOOD - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Kissed by fire.
- by CheesusCrust - at 2015.05.20 22:41:29
5. WTS PERUNGA, GALMIL PLEASE TAKE HIM BACK - in Warfare & Tactics [original thread]
Can't handle the blaze.
- by CheesusCrust - at 2015.02.28 17:41:02
6. EveHQ 2.17.0 | Tiamat release - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
As always, awsome work guys! I'd be lost without this tool. Maybe a bug report: The Svipul's shield resist don't change for me when in defensive mode. Thank you for your work. o7 Cheesus
- by CheesusCrust - at 2015.02.18 20:01:21
7. Sticky:[Proteus - January] Recon ships - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Some more thoughts from a solo/smallscale fw perspective: I see a lot of "You are just crying because all you fw folks want to do is farm. This will counter that". Contrary to what people have been saying here I am not too worried about potential...
- by CheesusCrust - at 2014.12.19 21:42:09
8. Sticky:[Proteus - January] Recon ships - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
So, let me try and keep this constructive. CCP Rise wrote: Combat Recons will now be permanently undetectable by directional scanners
This has some serious implications, not just for me as an fw pilot. With disallowing any type of clo...
- by CheesusCrust - at 2014.12.18 18:34:08
9. Sticky:[Right Now] Insurance Payouts Recalculation - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
The game doesn't have enough ISK sinks as it is. God forbid you actually lose the value of the ship you exploded. Don't fly/make srp plans about what you can't afford to lose/srp. Good change. +1
- by CheesusCrust - at 2014.12.03 21:00:42
10. [GÖÑ] BuBuKiGeR's 3rd Party Service [GÖÑ] - in Sell Orders [original thread]
Thanks for an awsome EOH freeroll poker tournament. 3rd place (3 Bil) here. Great fun and smoothe execution. Can't wait for the next! +1
- by CheesusCrust - at 2014.09.20 00:53:00
11. Burn the Warzone - in Warfare & Tactics [original thread]
Congrats to everyone!
- by CheesusCrust - at 2014.08.26 22:33:00
12. Caldari wiped out of FW? - in Warfare & Tactics [original thread]
The death of the stabbed cloaky frigate farmer/bot has sadly crippled Caldari Militia plexing percentages. Let's see if CVA steps up after the AT.
- by CheesusCrust - at 2014.08.26 04:37:00
13. Factional Warfare Farmers - Warp Core Stab & similar - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Let me adress some of the points mentioned here: Deal with farmers. They are part of fw.
There is a big problem with this statement. What you don't realize is that farming in non combat intended fits greatly influences system control in ...
- by CheesusCrust - at 2014.05.08 00:08:00
14. Factional Warfare Farmers - Warp Core Stab & similar - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Hello folks, this post will mainly propose an idea to change the Warp Core Stabilizer module. The reason for this proposal is the relative safety of farmers in factional warfare. Factional warfare should primarily be about small scale and solo p...
- by CheesusCrust - at 2014.05.07 01:59:00
15. Sticky:CSM Guest Blog: "Reasonable Things" Voting Phase - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
CheesusCrust, 03, 26, 04, 76, 12, 14, 08, 02, 66, 20, 50, 01, 61, 62, 53, 28, 95, 13, 80, 81, 15, 99, 33, 36, 73
- by CheesusCrust - at 2013.08.08 14:03:00
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