Statistics for thread Is Goonswarm wrong to target every Exhumer in Empire for nothing? |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 686 |
First post | 2008-03-02 04:49:00 |
Last post | 2008-04-05 04:13:00 |
Duration | 34 days (active period), 6195 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 20,2 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 602 111 |
Longest post | Minertor (4092 characters, posted 2008-03-03 21:37:00) |
Average post length | 877,7 chars/post |
Unique authors | 300 (avg 2,3 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Nasta443 | 32 (4,7%) |
Malcanis | 26 (3,8%) |
An Anarchyyt | 21 (3,1%) |
Cipher7 | 21 (3,1%) |
Zeba | 19 (2,8%) |
cal nereus | 16 (2,3%) |
Merin Ryskin | 15 (2,2%) |
Chirruper | 14 (2,0%) |
Brun Thorvald | 11 (1,6%) |
SiJira | 11 (1,6%) |
Dai Nau | 10 (1,5%) |
Quelque Chose | 10 (1,5%) |
Surfin's PlunderBunny | 10 (1,5%) |
Spacy Tracy | 9 (1,3%) |
Bart ForHire | 8 (1,2%) |
flakeys | 8 (1,2%) |
Brainless Bimbo | 7 (1,0%) |
FastJack316 | 7 (1,0%) |
Istvaan Shogaatsu | 7 (1,0%) |
Ulstan | 7 (1,0%) |
umop 3pisdn | 7 (1,0%) |
Cpt Branko | 6 (0,9%) |
Gamesguy | 6 (0,9%) |
Doonoo Boonoo | 5 (0,7%) |
Gate Bait | 5 (0,7%) |
Heavyn | 5 (0,7%) |
karttoon | 5 (0,7%) |
Rassalon Simessa | 5 (0,7%) |
Vincent La | 5 (0,7%) |
Busnis | 4 (0,6%) |
Burnharder | 4 (0,6%) |
Aprudena Gist | 4 (0,6%) |
dakari | 4 (0,6%) |
El'Niaga | 4 (0,6%) |
Ransomizer | 4 (0,6%) |
Xavieer Naidoo | 4 (0,6%) |
Zorlag | 4 (0,6%) |
Celot | 3 (0,4%) |
Diek Ran | 3 (0,4%) |
Dimagus | 3 (0,4%) |
duckmonster | 3 (0,4%) |
Fofalus | 3 (0,4%) |
Jack Turrou | 3 (0,4%) |
Jurgen Cartis | 3 (0,4%) |
Kyoto Luyi | 3 (0,4%) |
Maor Raor | 3 (0,4%) |
Marcus TheMartin | 3 (0,4%) |
MotherMoon | 3 (0,4%) |
Ryan Scouse'UK | 3 (0,4%) |
Silam Ryder | 3 (0,4%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 443 (64,6%) |
GoonSwarm | 93 (13,6%) |
Black-Out | 27 (3,9%) |
Band of Brothers | 19 (2,8%) |
Brutally Clever Empire | 16 (2,3%) |
Triumvirate. | 10 (1,5%) |
Lazy is our middle name | 8 (1,2%) |
Imperial Republic Of the North | 6 (0,9%) |
Night's Dawn | 6 (0,9%) |
Ethereal Dawn | 5 (0,7%) |
Un-Natural Selection | 4 (0,6%) |
FOUNDATI0N | 3 (0,4%) |
Red Republic | 3 (0,4%) |
The Star Fraction | 3 (0,4%) |
Zzz | 3 (0,4%) |
Insurgency | 2 (0,3%) |
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate | 2 (0,3%) |
Mercenary Coalition | 2 (0,3%) |
RONA Alliance | 2 (0,3%) |
Virtue of Selfishness | 2 (0,3%) |
ANTHRAX DEATH | 1 (0,1%) |
Black Star Alliance | 1 (0,1%) |
Brotherhood of the Spider | 1 (0,1%) |
Caldari Deep Space Industral | 1 (0,1%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 287 (41,8%) |
GoonFleet | 51 (7,4%) |
R.E.C.O.N. | 28 (4,1%) |
Battlestars | 22 (3,2%) |
Pator Tech School | 17 (2,5%) |
Bounty Hunter - Dark Legion | 16 (2,3%) |
FinFleet | 15 (2,2%) |
Mothership Connection Inc. | 10 (1,5%) |
Tier 3 Technologies Inc | 8 (1,2%) |
D00M. | 7 (1,0%) |
Fnck the blob. | 7 (1,0%) |
Guiding Hand Social Club | 7 (1,0%) |
Merch Industrial | 7 (1,0%) |
Republic Military School | 6 (0,9%) |
Surge. | 6 (0,9%) |
g guild | 4 (0,6%) |
Imperial Academy | 4 (0,6%) |
Autonums | 3 (0,4%) |
Deadly Addiction | 3 (0,4%) |
Huang Yinglong | 3 (0,4%) |
IDLE GUNS | 3 (0,4%) |
III ELEMENTS | 3 (0,4%) |
Interstellar Corporation of Exploration | 3 (0,4%) |
Metafarmers | 3 (0,4%) |
MX3 Development | 3 (0,4%) |
omen. | 3 (0,4%) |
Repo Industries | 3 (0,4%) |
Body Count Inc. | 2 (0,3%) |
Center for Advanced Studies | 2 (0,3%) |
Corp 1 Allstars | 2 (0,3%) |
Cosmic Vacum Cleaners | 2 (0,3%) |
Cult of Rawr | 2 (0,3%) |
Deep Core Mining Inc. | 2 (0,3%) |
Dread Lords | 2 (0,3%) |
Eve University | 2 (0,3%) |
Evolution | 2 (0,3%) |
Faugh a Ballagh | 2 (0,3%) |
Federal Navy Academy | 2 (0,3%) |
Igneus Auctorita | 2 (0,3%) |
Internal Revenue Service | 2 (0,3%) |
Knights of Tiberius | 2 (0,3%) |
Lyrus Associates | 2 (0,3%) |
Macabre Votum | 2 (0,3%) |
Magellan Exploration and Survey | 2 (0,3%) |
o.0 | 2 (0,3%) |
Omni-Core Freedom Fighters | 2 (0,3%) |
Otakus Society | 2 (0,3%) |
Red. | 2 (0,3%) |
Royal Amarr Institute | 2 (0,3%) |
Space Voyagers | 2 (0,3%) |
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