Statistics for thread
Speed Rebalanced: Feedback thread
General statistics  
Total posts 2638
First post 2008-07-28 13:44:00
Last post 2008-12-19 22:42:00
Duration 144 days (active period), 6065 days (since first post)
Daily average 18,3 posts/day (active period), 0,4 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 3 786 624
Longest post Spurty (6999 characters, posted 2008-08-02 23:37:00)
Average post length 1 435,4 chars/post
Unique authors 607 (avg 4,3 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Andnowthenews 151 (5,7%)
Cpt Branko 115 (4,4%)
Haakelen 90 (3,4%)
marakor 60 (2,3%)
TZeer 58 (2,2%)
Meina Lamia 50 (1,9%)
Grath Telkin 43 (1,6%)
Miriyaka 43 (1,6%)
sophisticatedlimabean 42 (1,6%)
Lilith Velkor 41 (1,6%)
Malachon Draco 35 (1,3%)
DeadDuck 34 (1,3%)
Deva Blackfire 34 (1,3%)
AshtarDJ 31 (1,2%)
Kalintos Tyl 27 (1,0%)
Taya Tal 27 (1,0%)
Rocket Ajax 26 (1,0%)
Tomic 26 (1,0%)
Spurty 25 (0,9%)
Elaine Celeste 24 (0,9%)
Murina 24 (0,9%)
SuiJuris 24 (0,9%)
Kerfira 23 (0,9%)
Thorradin 22 (0,8%)
Kepakh 21 (0,8%)
lebrata 21 (0,8%)
Melegaunt Tanthul 19 (0,7%)
Natalia Kovac 19 (0,7%)
Dendo Ordoss 17 (0,6%)
Kreeak 17 (0,6%)
Vengal Seyhan 17 (0,6%)
Esmenet 16 (0,6%)
Tash D'Angst 16 (0,6%)
Neutrino Sunset 14 (0,5%)
Atrei Capital 13 (0,5%)
Arkady Sadik 13 (0,5%)
Daelin Blackleaf 13 (0,5%)
Damned Force 13 (0,5%)
Dzajic 13 (0,5%)
Euriti 13 (0,5%)
teji 13 (0,5%)
The Djego 13 (0,5%)
Exlegion 12 (0,5%)
Archetype02 11 (0,4%)
Bobbechk 11 (0,4%)
carleyjones 11 (0,4%)
Demus DaVet 11 (0,4%)
gavhriel 11 (0,4%)
Hul'ka 11 (0,4%)
Kagura Nikon 11 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 1829 (69,3%)
Pandemic Legion 160 (6,1%)
NIght's Dawn 77 (2,9%)
GoonSwarm 62 (2,4%)
eXceed. 41 (1,6%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 36 (1,4%)
Triumvirate. 36 (1,4%)
The Star Fraction 25 (0,9%)
Blue Sky Consortium 20 (0,8%)
Vendetta Alliance. 19 (0,7%)
Hydra Alliance 17 (0,6%)
RAZOR Alliance 17 (0,6%)
Cosmic Anomalies 16 (0,6%)
Electus Matari 15 (0,6%)
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate 14 (0,5%)
Morsus Mihi 14 (0,5%)
Band of Brothers 13 (0,5%)
Atlas Alliance 12 (0,5%)
Un-Natural Selection 12 (0,5%)
Ethereal Dawn 11 (0,4%)
Axiom Empire 9 (0,3%)
KIA Alliance 9 (0,3%)
Sons of Tangra 9 (0,3%)
Bionic Dawn 7 (0,3%)
Elitist Cowards 7 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 596 (22,6%)
State War Academy 160 (6,1%)
Surge. 115 (4,4%)
The Illuminati. 100 (3,8%)
Genesis Rising 90 (3,4%)
BURN EDEN 65 (2,5%)
Anti Lag Forum Smackers 60 (2,3%)
GoonFleet 51 (1,9%)
D00M. 47 (1,8%)
eXceed Inc. 41 (1,6%)
Oyster Colors 41 (1,6%)
Amarr Border Defense Consortium 34 (1,3%)
Beyond Divinity Inc 32 (1,2%)
State Protectorate 32 (1,2%)
Filthy Scum 31 (1,2%)
The Scope 29 (1,1%)
Jericho Fraction 25 (0,9%)
Perkone 20 (0,8%)
Trader's Academy 20 (0,8%)
Personal Vendetta 19 (0,7%)
Phoenix Tribe 19 (0,7%)
Sebiestor tribe 17 (0,6%)
Sten Industries 17 (0,6%)
New Light 16 (0,6%)
Sturmgrenadier Inc 16 (0,6%)
Gradient 15 (0,6%)
Invicta. 15 (0,6%)
Federal Defence Union 14 (0,5%)
Infinity Enterprises 14 (0,5%)
merovinger inc 13 (0,5%)
Republic Military School 13 (0,5%)
Rionnag Alba 13 (0,5%)
The Reclaimed 13 (0,5%)
Hedion University 12 (0,5%)
Stimulus 12 (0,5%)
Blood and Silver 11 (0,4%)
Comply Or Die 11 (0,4%)
Eve Defence Force 11 (0,4%)
Killson Corp 11 (0,4%)
MicroFunks 11 (0,4%)
Mythos Corp 11 (0,4%)
Series of Tubes 11 (0,4%)
Sniggerdly 11 (0,4%)
Endemic Aggression 10 (0,4%)
Exploratio et Industria Morispatia 10 (0,4%)
Destructive Influence 9 (0,3%)
Galactic Defence Syndicate 9 (0,3%)
Imperial Shipment 9 (0,3%)
Shinra 9 (0,3%)
xPlaguex 9 (0,3%)

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