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1. Sticky:[May] CONCORD Aerospace Promotional Ships - in Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center [original thread]
Quote: Pilots with high security status will gain an extra bonus to armor repairer and shield booster effectiveness Please be joking.
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2017.04.01 18:20:59
2. Sticky:Dev blog: The future of probe and directional scanning UI - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
I don't actually play any more but I still follow updates. That said, as an avid prober, all of these changes make sense. I would like to add that I would also really enjoy a visual overlay or representation of the total area I am covering with a ...
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2017.02.13 14:50:01
3. Nullification and Interdiction - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
I think that anchorable bubbles without expiration times shouldn't exist. I'm sure you've seen the pictures of drone lands gates being locked down with 100+ large T1 bubbles. It doesn't cost a damned thing and provides near-perfect safety. Nullif...
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2017.02.01 15:10:40
4. Eve Antwerp feat.. CCP Red Dawn July 20th - in Out of Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
I'll be there at around 20:15 ish
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2016.07.20 16:59:01
5. Sticky:Update on Shadow of the Serpent Event - in Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center [original thread]
I killed a whole site's worth of BCs and didn't see a single one drop loot.
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2016.07.06 18:49:48
6. Eve Antwerp feat.. CCP Red Dawn July 20th - in Out of Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
Registered and will be present. What time does it start?
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2016.06.19 21:26:22
7. Testing for Multifitting/Bulkfitting - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
thank jeebus
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2016.06.08 12:29:43
8. Veto Corp Presents - EVE London - Saturday, May 9th - in Out of Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
nawor100 wrote: If i turn up , how will i know whos who you chat to people m8
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2015.03.09 22:26:41
9. Gorski Car for CSM X - in CSM Campaigns [original thread]
In case you're going to vote for this guy, be sure to check out the CSM participation sheet:
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2015.01.24 23:22:49
10. Veto Corp Presents - EVE London - Saturday, May 9th - in Out of Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
tentatively in on this, going to look around about how to spend the least possible money getting there
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2015.01.15 22:09:02
11. London Meetup - 31 January 2015. Meltdown Bar London, Starting at 5p... - in Out of Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
Can this sort of **** be announced a little bit more ahead of time next time? I'm not buying a eurostar ticket a month before something happens.
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.12.28 07:47:16
12. GÖÑ Manfred Sideous GÖÑ for GÖÑ[CSM 10]GÖÑ - in CSM Campaigns [original thread]
what's your stance on lowsec? why do you want to take more power away from pirates and into fw hands? what do you think about fw lp stores and how they affect every other lp store? do you think there should be variance in which lp store offers what?
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.12.08 12:57:14
13. Sticky:[Right Now] Insurance Payouts Recalculation - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Less free money is good. Insurance is a ******** premise anyways.
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.12.03 21:41:53
14. Sticky:Dev blog: All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter - Data Sites, Expedi... - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
So a while back, you allowed all these high-sec frigate unrateds and DEDs into lowsec. But if you do an unrated one, and it escalates, it'll send you right back into highsec. That's just terrible.
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.10.15 23:21:00
15. Sticky:[Phoebe] Long Distance Travel Changes - updates! - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Will a Prorator going through a covert ops jump portal double dip in fatigue bonuses, or will it take the highest fatigue reduction modifier? Are we looking at just the 90% from the hull, or will it reduce the fatigue to 50% through the black ops...
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.10.09 21:31:00
16. Announcement:Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
This is absolute crazy. I love it.
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.10.01 21:08:00
17. Prototype: Dojos - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
this is absolute tripe, unprobeable pockets? really?
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.09.25 12:13:00
18. Sticky:[Oceanus] Cyno Exclusion Zone around starbases - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
you're still going on about that flag thing? lol but apparently forcing a cyno frigate to make a choice between hard tackling a target inside the exclusion zone and lighting a cyno is too much for a game where cooperation is so heavily promoted, ...
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.09.22 22:03:00
19. Sticky:[Oceanus] Cyno Exclusion Zone around starbases - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
By "listened to feedback", do you mean "my PL buddies told me on Mumble they'd lose out on a bunch of dread kills if they couldn't just warp to zero on the targets and light a cyno without trouble"? You finally added a minor measure of skill to ho...
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.09.22 19:56:00
20. Sticky:[Oceanus] Cyno Exclusion Zone around starbases - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Also, towers RFed every single day? abloobloobloo, a justified nerf to your massive pos network
- by Grarr Dexx - at 2014.09.18 01:30:00
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