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1. [119.5] Fleet QoL improvements and more little things from Five 0 - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
* Added a duration countdown to the tooltips of modules with very long durations (Siege, Doomsdays, Cynos) Does this include Triage module as well?
- by Hoshi - at 2017.05.19 22:01:24
2. Sticky:Dev blog: Introducing Upwell Refineries - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Querns wrote: mkint wrote: Hooray, even stricter dividing lines between the mega-alliance-null-stagnation and the 90%-of-the-playerbase! Exactly what this game needed! The barriers of entry to go from difficult to impossible! awesome! So ...
- by Hoshi - at 2017.03.22 21:07:13
3. New Probe and Directional scanning UI and UX Feedback thread - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Sorting the D-Scan result by Distance seems completely fubar. Sort order seems mostly random. Type and Name works fine and for some reason you can not sort by Icon. Also just logging off and logging on again breaks the scan window, you need to re...
- by Hoshi - at 2017.02.24 01:10:25
4. Sticky:[December] Defender Missiles - in Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center [original thread]
VCBee 2fast2furious wrote: Just to confirm, do Defender Missiles 2.0 distinguish between friendly and non-friendly bombs? There is a difference? A bomb will do damage to whatever is in range when it explodes no matter who launched it. Just do...
- by Hoshi - at 2016.11.25 16:54:40
5. Announcement:Player Account Clone States and Singularity - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Maybe it would have been a good idea to remove that blanket ban before that sisi login test today. Just saying.
- by Hoshi - at 2016.11.24 15:25:15
6. How "science proof" is EVE? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Nyzam wrote: It's not in the slightest. One of the worst violations to me is how there is a maximum speed on space ships. In reality they can go any speed until the speed of light (and it of course gets harder the more you approach it). Anothe...
- by Hoshi - at 2015.03.15 11:56:23
7. Sticky:[Discussion] Entosis Link Tactics and Ship Balance - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Sarel Hendar wrote: Hoshi wrote: Sarel Hendar wrote: Big coalitions want to make it possible to bubble down entire constellations from strategic chokepoints while renting the "safe" interior. This should not be allowed. Why not? Ev...
- by Hoshi - at 2015.03.10 16:00:16
8. Sticky:[Discussion] Entosis Link Tactics and Ship Balance - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Sarel Hendar wrote: Big coalitions want to make it possible to bubble down entire constellations from strategic chokepoints while renting the "safe" interior. This should not be allowed. Why not? Everyone is ranting about how you are sup...
- by Hoshi - at 2015.03.10 11:33:43
9. Sticky:[Discussion] Entosis Link Tactics and Ship Balance - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Yes defending your sov should take commitment BUT attacking sov needs to be an equal commitment. Any system that allows someone to troll sov with no commitment and minimal danger is a broken system.
- by Hoshi - at 2015.03.09 21:13:46
10. Sticky:[Scylla] Strategic Cruiser Defensive Subsystems - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Chesterfield Fancypantz wrote: an armor t3 may be able to push serious EHP, but not while pushing out dps at the same time. Tengu can do both. Except the dps of a tengu aren't really that great. The normal fleet Tengu fit does less raw dps t...
- by Hoshi - at 2015.02.26 18:06:09
11. Sticky:Dev blog: Opportunities Abound - The New Player Experience - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Dalloway Jones wrote: Ravasta Helugo wrote: You need to have rewards, particularly if you are getting rid of the old tutorial system. The current system sets new players up with: A destroyer
Two industrial ships
Two mining frigates
- by Hoshi - at 2015.02.20 11:57:28
12. Sticky:Dev blog: Opportunities Abound - The New Player Experience - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Trying it out on Sisi atm and so far I like it. I do have one problem with it and that is the reward part. Not so much as an incentive but to get the things actually needed to do some of the early Opportunities. I follow the oppertunities in the d...
- by Hoshi - at 2015.02.20 11:48:41
13. Support ticket escalation - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Knowledge Base: Escalation to a senior Game Master
- by Hoshi - at 2014.10.04 23:00:00
14. Announcement:Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Daenika wrote: I mean, only large alliances are going to have the manpower to gate-jump capitals. For everyone else, they might as well just self-destruct the capital (and their pod), fly to their destination, and buy a new capital, because it ...
- by Hoshi - at 2014.10.02 01:37:00
15. Announcement:Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
CCP Greyscale wrote: Burneddi wrote: CCP Greyscale wrote: Summer Isle wrote: CCP Greyscale wrote: Does this make it too difficult for new pilots to get out into 0.0? Yes, it probably does. We are going to look at this tomorrow to...
- by Hoshi - at 2014.10.01 21:53:00
16. Do smaller entities really deserve more empowerment? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Prince Kobol wrote: The only reason HERO was able to put the iHub into RF was because PL re-appeared and decided to aid HERO after leaving the field. If it wasn't for PL then Provi Block would of saved the iHub. PL went from saving the IHub ...
- by Hoshi - at 2014.09.21 12:00:00
17. Sticky:Dev blog: Opt-in Notification changes for Oceanus - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Can we please move any notifications about Sansha's nation expanding their borders to this system as well...
- by Hoshi - at 2014.09.16 18:02:00
18. Rockets? - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Sorry I am an ancient and outdated person.
- by Hoshi - at 2014.09.14 23:30:00
19. Rockets? - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
No rockets are not guided missiles so the skill Guided Missile Precision does not effect them (I assume that's why you ask). All other missile support skills do effect them. The non guided missiles are Rocket, Heavy Assault Missile, Torpedo, Cita...
- by Hoshi - at 2014.09.14 19:44:00
20. Question about learning skills - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
This did change the skills requirements for the Covetor as part of the teircide. It used to be that the Covetor was the best t1 barge and as such it required barge 5 but they changed it so all barges were good at different things and at the same t...
- by Hoshi - at 2014.09.11 14:11:00
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