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1. Genolution - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Was curious about the new implants and their actual effects? If you have an implant "set" in already and put the two new ones in, (the CA-1 and CA-2) do they only give their set effects for each other, or do they give their bonus to the other set ...
- by Malena - at 2011.12.22 20:35:00
2. Implant Slot improvements/removal - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
I do that actually....but it is still a major PITA to coordinate this item ending, then jumping to a new clone and have that item end etc. Add to this the fact that certain implants really just make sense to go on the same clone, but they occupy...
- by Malena - at 2008.06.20 15:35:00
3. Implant Slot improvements/removal - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Personally my problem with implants is that there are too many for too few slots, and that all the really cool manufacturing/researching ones (cause let's face it, what builder isn't also a researcher?) take the same two slots! But I have to agre...
- by Malena - at 2008.05.22 17:59:00
4. Skill training queue system wanted! - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Dear God, Please let this thread die. Please. Please. I've been decent to my fellows, and I don't ask for much. But please let this thread die and let the whiners find something else to go on about. On second thought, let the thread keep going...
- by Malena - at 2008.03.13 12:46:00
5. Pirate Implants FAQ - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
What faction do the nomad sets come from?
- by Malena - at 2008.01.15 16:13:00
6. Implant Gap - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
I agree, it is a bit of a problem,although personally I have a bigger issue with so many of the better manufacturing implants being slot 8. In fact, I take this chance to formally suggest more implant slots!
- by Malena - at 2008.01.14 19:43:00
7. Clone grades need some lovin - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Is it my math, or is it possible to get a starting toon with significantly more SP than the default clone? If so, Seems like that needs some work as well....maybe just scale up each clone by an ever increasing amount. It still won't completely cov...
- by Malena - at 2008.01.09 20:04:00
8. Pirate Implants FAQ - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
mining laser range? Really? That's the best that could be done? I suppose they wouldn't want something to increase yield even further, cause combined with Rorq bonus and maxxed skills, you could pop a roid in one cycle, but still... In the spirit...
- by Malena - at 2007.12.19 21:08:00
9. Pirate Implants FAQ - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Anyone been on the test server to see what the new sets are all about?
- by Malena - at 2007.12.02 01:33:00
10. Fleet/Wing/Squad command skills - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Edited by: Malena on 02/11/2007 21:00:05 Correct, leadership does give that bonus to targetting speed, but that is kinda my is a required skill, but it does give bonusses. The fleet/wing/squadron command are no longer required, than...
- by Malena - at 2007.11.02 20:58:00
11. Fleet/Wing/Squad command skills - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Right now, the only bonusses are the number of members allowed. This was not great before the booster assigning changes, but now that you basically don't NEED your FC to also be the one who has the passive gang skills, perhaps an additional bonus ...
- by Malena - at 2007.10.31 16:45:00
12. Jump Portal Generation and Black Ops - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
I agree that 450m for a skill just to generate a covert ops portal is a bit much...that is as much as a carrier skill, IIRC. And at least then you get to fly a <sometimes> cool looking ship... this gives you the ability to move that cool loo...
- by Malena - at 2007.10.30 19:15:00
13. Tech 2 battleship demand - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
What section are you guys reading about the skill reqs and stats for the ships?
- by Malena - at 2007.10.09 13:47:00
14. armour rep and drone implants - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
There are a number of implants that effect armor repping...if you mean Remote armor repping, then I can only think of reduces the amount of cap cost per cycle, 3% and 5% varieties available. There is also a rig that increases the amount o...
- by Malena - at 2007.09.20 16:30:00
15. ORE Cap Ship Skills - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Let me just make my opinion known on this thread as well. I personally consider having to have separate blueprints for each ore compression....tedious. But meh, whatever. What I consider ridiculous is having to have lvl 4 in the appropriate roid ...
- by Malena - at 2007.08.30 21:57:00
16. Pirate Implants FAQ - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Originally by: Nyx Gotcha Originally by: Serpentina Does the LG Slave set armor bonus apply to capital ships as well? I would hate to plug in a full set only to not have the bonus apply. yes it does. 8) Anyone actually usin...
- by Malena - at 2007.08.09 14:10:00
17. Quickest way to carriers - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Originally by: Jennai Originally by: cal nereus Capital Ships III (or higher) the only reason to train capships past 3 is if you want a titan. dreads, carriers, and moms don't get any bonus from that skill. The skill descrip...
- by Malena - at 2007.08.04 14:19:00
18. Implant Skills - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
If you are looking for specifics...get Michi's (harder to find since Rev 2) for slot 7, and the Highwall HX-2 for slot 10. Both are 5% to mining yield. Unfortunately, CCP in its infinite wisdom, put all the Highwall series in the same slot, so you...
- by Malena - at 2007.07.15 13:01:00
19. Gomers listing on Combat Implants - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
fantastic list dude, although I could do without all the colors personally. I can see why you did it, though. Don't forget the carebear implants, the beancounters, the highwalls, etc.
- by Malena - at 2007.06.22 20:37:00
20. support skills needed? - in Skill Discussions [original thread]
Edited by: Malena on 30/04/2007 18:11:57 Ton of subject threads on this one, do a search for logistics, limit it to the forums, then you can narrow it down from there. Bottom line, it is a very skill intensive profession, it is a bit pricey, ...
- by Malena - at 2007.04.30 18:15:00
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