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1. Price Check Triple Bubble Launcher + Cloak Heretic - in Price Checks [original thread]
This is the fit, requires CPU implant to online the 2nd Shield Extender (currently offline in case buyer doesn't have a CPU implant when they hop in it) Everything else is fitted and online. [Heretic, ...] Co-Processor II Co-Processor II Co-Pr...
- by Rajere - at 2015.05.03 02:26:05
2. can a black ops ship jump with -8.6 sec stats? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
the only restriction to jump drive mechanics is where Cyno/Covert Cyno can be lit (low/null). you can both jump and bridge out of HS if you are in a ship capable of doing so. As a pirate, as long as you are not criminally flagged, you can jump ou...
- by Rajere - at 2013.03.21 04:22:00
3. Amarr DPS and Spec Gunnery Lvl 5 - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
no experience with your app, most people's base of comparison is EFT or pyfa. also most dps references are with all level 5 characters. also don't forget damage drones are typically included in dps numbers. You gave no specifics so I used an Ome...
- by Rajere - at 2013.03.13 06:33:00
4. Best solo gank ship? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
been meaning to try a MJD Vindicator for glorious low sec solo martyrdom but they're simply too expensive nowadays. gotta destroy basically over 2bil in ships just to break even in the isk destroyed/lost column.
- by Rajere - at 2013.02.04 05:12:00
5. An proposal to make Covert Ops more challenging - in Warfare & Tactics [original thread]
Jack Miton wrote: there is no issue with cloaking. like at all.
- by Rajere - at 2013.02.04 05:05:00
6. Sleipnirs - Good or bad? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
what do you mean, people don't fly them constantly? 7th most popular ship for us. People don't complain about them being overpowered because they aren't. They are both expensive and skill intensive to fly well. cost wise the hulls are comparable...
- by Rajere - at 2013.02.02 05:26:00
7. Sleipnirs - Good or bad? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
tip: Join a corp with a clue. consensus is sleipnir is the best battlecruiser hull in eve.
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.30 10:08:00
8. jump bridge request - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Why is repackage and reprocess right next to one another???? Oh yeah to punish me for my stupidity. same with this.
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.30 10:07:00
9. scan probe question regarding warping ships - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
it's a snapshot at the time probes completed the scan.
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.18 17:12:00
10. Avatar or Erebus? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Erebus is cheaper, if all you're looking for is the bridge.
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.18 16:33:00
11. Myrmidon GTFO fit - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Langour is actually a web not a point. always be aligned to a warp out, learn to use d-scan, or dock up if anyone non-blue enters your local.
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.17 10:02:00
12. WTB Anshar Pilot - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
isk received, roles dropped, character is in newb corp, transfer begun: Quote: We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable durin...
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.16 18:15:00
13. How to kill a large offline tower (info inside) - in Warfare & Tactics [original thread]
so about 7, maybe 8k dps? Use dreads , takes about 5min to kill an offline tower. btw each racial tower has it's own base resist profile which is listed on the show info tab.
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.16 07:51:00
14. Dreads and Nuets wtf? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Cambarus wrote: Goldensaver wrote: I know that a dread or two should overcome their tank, it's just that you could have two triage carriers having infinite local and remote rep due to cap transfers between them, in addition to not needing c...
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.16 04:55:00
15. WTB Anshar Pilot - in Character Bazaar [original thread] for sale, 5bil isk to this character. transfer will take a day waiting for roles to drop from corp to place char in npc corp.
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.15 18:08:00
16. WTB Anshar Pilot - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
contacted you in game
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.15 07:46:00
17. Dreads and Nuets wtf? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
fukier wrote: Jerick Ludhowe wrote: Vilnius Zar wrote: No, a capital sized cap booster would create more problems than you realise as it effectively means caps can jump around MUCH faster. We need LESS projected power from capitals, not m...
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.15 07:31:00
18. Can I still evolve? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Garviel Tarrant wrote: 20 mill SP is not much.. at all.. Train other stuff? Hey I only have 20mil sp.... in gunnery seriously OP if you're flying a hulk, doing mining/production/etc as part of your 20mil you've got maybe 10mil in space viol...
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.15 07:20:00
19. best TD ship? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Quote: So? It's the blops fault for engaging him on the gate. It's a single T1 crusier vs several recons and T2 battleships. You say "omg gate guns" as if they magically are an instawin. No ****, he wouldn't have gotten a kill without them, but...
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.11 23:05:00
20. Combat log tool? - in Warfare & Tactics [original thread]
there used to be a good combat log parser but i'm struggling to recall the name of it. I have it installed on my old desk top but i'm traveling on my laptop right now. a quick google search has several hits, just google "eve combat log parser" and...
- by Rajere - at 2013.01.09 15:31:00
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