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1. Alpha and Omega from same public IP? - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Captain Tardbar wrote: I'm not sure if using VPN is against the rules or not. I mean if you were living in mainland China you'd have to use one of you wanted to play on tranquility. You don't have to use a VPN, but the VPN *may* help if your ...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.11.17 07:35:22
2. "So I forgot about the gate-guns" and other things leading... - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
1. Stealth bombers are 'glass cannons' which are great at dealing damage to larger targets. The fit you used (with rockets) is a specialised fit designed to hunt other explorers IN SITES (which are typically not equipped with a decent tank and / o...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.10.17 10:43:03
3. @CCP, please fix the speeds ingame... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Lady Ayeipsia wrote: lollerwaffle wrote: Creating true deep safes is no longer possible. CCP moved all my 100AU-200AU bookmarks to within 20AU of the nearest celestial. Pre 2009/2010, they used to work like this:
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.10.12 14:08:42
4. @CCP, please fix the speeds ingame... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Creating true deep safes is no longer possible. CCP moved all my 100AU-200AU bookmarks to within 20AU of the nearest celestial. Pre 2009/2010, they used to work like this: Then CCP nerf...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.10.12 13:19:37
5. Fixes to counter ECM, ideas so far. CCP, PLEASE ! - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Goe Rilla wrote: So basically on pretty much all gallente armor ships for ep, I'm screwed and have to sacrifice my capbooster and entire cap/tank just for one sebo as norm ? Or sacrifice a web ? On the offchance Im met with some jackass with ...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.10.12 11:33:34
6. My current struggle... - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Barnabas Fresante wrote: I must be a real Eve pilot now ecause 35 days doesn't even seem that long to me anymore! That's the turning point :) The moment you think, 'oh sweet I have 35 days (or 35 years lol) of useful skills lined up, now I ...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.10.12 05:34:17
7. This whole training alts thing... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Jotunhammer Al'Vargh wrote: this...just made my mind up and I cancelled my subscription thank you for being such a good representative of the EVE community. Good. Can I have your stuff?
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.09.28 06:12:26
8. Stealling Pocket, Combat Site's.... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Lucas Aiderone wrote: OP, I'm sorry to say this but tbh you should just forget about EVE, unsub and go someplace else. If you can't already tell by the community here, this game is packed with disgusting people with personalitydisorders who are...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.08.23 05:15:33
9. Sticky:8 Golden Rules for EVE Online - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Zora Nightmare wrote: A noble post from CCP, however the punishment for some offenders of the law (CODE) is not equal to the harm and destruction they incur. Make them pay a more relevent price for the price to others they have caused and dont ...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.08.23 05:06:27
10. Sticky:8 Golden Rules for EVE Online - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Min Wei wrote: I lost 10 potentially paying EVE subscribers out of 12 because CCP caters to PvP and Null Sec more than everyone else. Catering to PVP in a PVP game? Who woulda thought? If your friends don't like PVP, then EVE isn't the gam...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.08.23 05:01:54
11. This game is filled with socipaths and I will fight them! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
To get 5+ pages is some Garmon level trolling. 11/10 read the 'serious responses' in here and had a good lol
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.07.08 10:58:08
12. ++++++ß++++ +++¦+¦+¡ GÇô Shoot-a-Tippia - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Logged at work just to say good luck, and I've always enjoyed your posts, even the obnoxious nitpicky ones schooling people with horribad attitudes! o7 fly safe and good bye! btw, you'll be back, I know it, you know it The only way to truly wi...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.23 03:37:24
13. Q: Bounty system - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Memphis Baas wrote: 1. You add the person to your contacts list so their ship is highlighted should they be in the same system. You can no longer tell whether they're online with the contacts system. . Wow, learnt something new today.
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.17 08:52:15
14. Map - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
You have to do it manually, as I believe there is no way to combine filters (unless I'm mistaken).
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.17 08:24:21
15. Can we PLEASE get an option to turn off in-station billboards? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
TackyTachy1 wrote: Is tuppence actually money? I was crew on a USA Guided Missile Destroyer in the 60's, the last time I was in the UK. But I watch a lot of BBC stuff, that's probably where I got the tuppence thing from. Yes it is, but no on...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.17 08:23:27
16. Steam Account + Controller help - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I'll give it a try tonight and see if I can get it to work. That said, I can't imagine playing EVE with the controller though.
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 10:59:47
17. PLEASE STOP IGNORING US !!! GHOST FITTING ! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 10:57:56
18. The future of solo/small gang pvp - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 10:55:53
19. Can we PLEASE get an option to turn off in-station billboards? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
TackyTachy1 wrote: 99% of the posters despise the in station videos, CCP apparently not listening and if they are then they are not caring. The videos are naught but in your face marketing and in future we'll probably see a ratcheting up of con...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 10:47:35
20. Anyone know of any Citadels in highsec yet? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Memphis Baas wrote: Click the = triple lines above your picture on the toolbar, for the full Start menu, and find the Structure Locator app that will tell you where all them citadels are. There are a few close to Jita, 2-3 jumps. Did not kn...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 09:27:35
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