Statistics for thread
New Dev Blog: Give me monocles or give me death!
General statistics  
Total posts 1771
First post 2011-05-27 12:39:00
Last post 2011-08-06 18:46:00
Duration 71 days (active period), 5036 days (since first post)
Daily average 24,9 posts/day (active period), 0,4 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 910 383
Longest post Stormchyld (5189 characters, posted 2011-06-02 19:10:00)
Average post length 1 078,7 chars/post
Unique authors 685 (avg 2,6 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Olivia Berett 149 (8,4%)
Elda Amamiya 61 (3,4%)
Stormchyld 42 (2,4%)
Miilla 40 (2,3%)
Avy Alvhenor 34 (1,9%)
Magaskaweel 34 (1,9%)
MotherMoon 28 (1,6%)
Sister Megarea 27 (1,5%)
LordElfa 26 (1,5%)
Sethose Olderon 25 (1,4%)
Jack Gilligan 24 (1,4%)
Vandrion 22 (1,2%)
Kerrisone 21 (1,2%)
Doc Fury 20 (1,1%)
Morar Santee 17 (1,0%)
CCP Zinfandel 17 (1,0%)
Mitchello 16 (0,9%)
Miso Hawnee 15 (0,8%)
Kale Kold 14 (0,8%)
Tres Farmer 14 (0,8%)
Adunh Slavy 12 (0,7%)
J Kunjeh 12 (0,7%)
Raknarg Valklear 11 (0,6%)
Morphisat 10 (0,6%)
S'qarpium D'igil 10 (0,6%)
I'thari 9 (0,5%)
Kavin Alavandar 9 (0,5%)
Kno Bodeesbitch 9 (0,5%)
Gogela 8 (0,5%)
Junko Sideswipe 8 (0,5%)
Mynxee 8 (0,5%)
Sidus Isaacs 8 (0,5%)
Silpher 8 (0,5%)
Larissa Sunsorrow 7 (0,4%)
Sahmul 7 (0,4%)
Sarina Berghil 7 (0,4%)
Soden Rah 7 (0,4%)
Soi Mala 7 (0,4%)
TheLostPenguin 7 (0,4%)
CCP Incognito 7 (0,4%)
Axon Atom 6 (0,3%)
EnslaverOfMinmatar 6 (0,3%)
Flesh Slurper 6 (0,3%)
Jim Luc 6 (0,3%)
Leah Solo 6 (0,3%)
Lev Aeris 6 (0,3%)
Persephone 66 6 (0,3%)
Pugzilla Black 6 (0,3%)
Steve Thomas 6 (0,3%)
Trocent 6 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 1478 (83,5%)
Against ALL Authorities 31 (1,8%)
Independent Faction 25 (1,4%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 21 (1,2%)
Veto Corp 11 (0,6%)
Deep Space Engineering 10 (0,6%)
Ivy League 9 (0,5%)
Fidelas Constans 8 (0,5%)
B O R G 7 (0,4%)
Goonswarm Federation 7 (0,4%)
Yulai Federation 7 (0,4%)
Initiative Mercenaries 6 (0,3%)
Split Infinity. 6 (0,3%)
Morsus Mihi 5 (0,3%)
Mortal Destruction 5 (0,3%)
Wildly Inappropriate. 5 (0,3%)
Adeptus Arbites 4 (0,2%)
Important Internet Spaceship League 4 (0,2%)
Matari Legion 4 (0,2%)
RAZOR Alliance 4 (0,2%)
RONA Directorate 4 (0,2%)
Sentient World Observation and Response Directive 4 (0,2%)
Vera Cruz Alliance 4 (0,2%)
Butterfly Effect Alliance 3 (0,2%)
Gentlemen's Agreement 3 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 935 (52,8%)
Brasfleet Networking Co. 104 (5,9%)
Hulkageddon Orphanage 40 (2,3%)
Center for Advanced Studies 35 (2,0%)
Huang Yinglong 28 (1,6%)
Sisters of Agony 27 (1,5%)
Tri Corp 25 (1,4%)
Caldari Provisions 24 (1,4%)
The Collective 22 (1,2%)
Gallente Federation Intelligence Service 14 (0,8%)
Mindless Griefing 14 (0,8%)
Hidden Agenda 10 (0,6%)
Sebiestor Tribe 10 (0,6%)
Broski Enterprises 9 (0,5%)
EVE University 9 (0,5%)
Extropy Dianoetics 9 (0,5%)
Veto. 9 (0,5%)
Freeport Exploration 8 (0,5%)
Jita Trade Services 8 (0,5%)
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse 7 (0,4%)
New Zion Judge Advocate 7 (0,4%)
The Grimreapers. 7 (0,4%)
Whacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tubemen 7 (0,4%)
24th Imperial Crusade 6 (0,3%)
Rule of Five 6 (0,3%)
Sane Industries Inc. 6 (0,3%)
United Amarr Templar Legion 6 (0,3%)
Are We There Yet 5 (0,3%)
C C P 5 (0,3%)
Dreddit 5 (0,3%)
GoonWaffe 5 (0,3%)
Helios Research 5 (0,3%)
Rayn Enterprises 5 (0,3%)
Science and Trade Institute 5 (0,3%)
Special Operations Corp 5 (0,3%)
Children of Noah 4 (0,2%)
Gunpoint Diplomacy 4 (0,2%)
Hipernova 4 (0,2%)
I- T I E -I 4 (0,2%)
JOKAS Industries 4 (0,2%)
Miner Tech 4 (0,2%)
Mixed Metaphor 4 (0,2%)
New Eden Advanced Reconnaissance Unit 4 (0,2%)
Nexus.6 4 (0,2%)
Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics 4 (0,2%)
RONA Legion 4 (0,2%)
Satanic Soldiers 4 (0,2%)
The Scope 4 (0,2%)
Vahrokh Consulting 4 (0,2%)
5 Guys With Internet 3 (0,2%)

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