Statistics for thread
I want your little things!
General statistics  
Total posts 3303
First post 2011-11-15 10:58:00
Last post 2014-05-26 05:25:00
Duration 923 days (active period), 4539 days (since first post)
Daily average 3,6 posts/day (active period), 0,7 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 819 613
Longest post Strucker (6999 characters, posted 2011-11-15 16:02:00)
Average post length 550,9 chars/post
Unique authors 1805 (avg 1,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Solstice Project 49 (1,5%)
Adrian Dixon 40 (1,2%)
Ibeau Renoir 35 (1,1%)
E man Industries 34 (1,0%)
Salpad 32 (1,0%)
ASadOldGit 28 (0,8%)
Nova Fox 23 (0,7%)
Shuno Bravo 23 (0,7%)
Salpun 20 (0,6%)
YuuKnow 20 (0,6%)
gfldex 18 (0,5%)
Kitanga 18 (0,5%)
Duvida 17 (0,5%)
Gevlin 16 (0,5%)
Strucker 16 (0,5%)
Xavier duLac 15 (0,5%)
Mara Rinn 14 (0,4%)
Marlona Sky 13 (0,4%)
Moonaura 13 (0,4%)
Zimmy Zeta 13 (0,4%)
Aleena Doran 12 (0,4%)
GeeShizzle MacCloud 12 (0,4%)
Vincent Gaines 12 (0,4%)
Bayushi Tamago 11 (0,3%)
Bearilian 11 (0,3%)
NorthCrossroad 11 (0,3%)
KIller Wabbit 10 (0,3%)
Logix42 10 (0,3%)
Pak Narhoo 10 (0,3%)
tomato1 10 (0,3%)
Vincent Athena 10 (0,3%)
Zleon Leigh 10 (0,3%)
Keras Authion 9 (0,3%)
Malkev 9 (0,3%)
Ravcharas 9 (0,3%)
Real Poison 9 (0,3%)
Ancy Denaries 8 (0,2%)
D'Kelle 8 (0,2%)
Hemmo Paskiainen 8 (0,2%)
Jarnis McPieksu 8 (0,2%)
Jenn Makanen 8 (0,2%)
Lin-Young Borovskova 8 (0,2%)
Raid'En 8 (0,2%)
Ranshe 8 (0,2%)
Tanaka Aiko 8 (0,2%)
wanking monkey girl 8 (0,2%)
Dancing Sun 7 (0,2%)
Eternus8lux8lucis 7 (0,2%)
Fearless M0F0 7 (0,2%)
Illectroculus Defined 7 (0,2%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 1371 (41,5%)
Gallente Federation 204 (6,2%)
Caldari State 190 (5,8%)
Minmatar Republic 93 (2,8%)
Amarr Empire 83 (2,5%)
Goonswarm Federation 81 (2,5%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 55 (1,7%)
-affliction- 37 (1,1%)
Ivy League 36 (1,1%)
Independent Faction 35 (1,1%)
Nulli Secunda 28 (0,8%)
SpaceMonkey's Alliance 23 (0,7%)
The Kadeshi 21 (0,6%)
The Volition Cult 20 (0,6%)
Project Wildfire 18 (0,5%)
Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service 16 (0,5%)
RAZOR Alliance 15 (0,5%)
Tactical Invader Syndicate 15 (0,5%)
Cosmic Consortium 14 (0,4%)
Morsus Mihi 14 (0,4%)
RvB - BLUE Republic 14 (0,4%)
RvB - RED Federation 14 (0,4%)
Fidelas Constans 13 (0,4%)
Against ALL Authorities 12 (0,4%)
K162 12 (0,4%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 200 (6,1%)
The Scope 73 (2,2%)
State War Academy 60 (1,8%)
GoonWaffe 50 (1,5%)
Center for Advanced Studies 43 (1,3%)
School of Applied Knowledge 43 (1,3%)
Science and Trade Institute 42 (1,3%)
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction 37 (1,1%)
Cult of Personality 36 (1,1%)
EVE University 36 (1,1%)
Colonial Fleet Services 35 (1,1%)
SeaChell Productions 34 (1,0%)
Dreddit 33 (1,0%)
Carebears with Attitude 32 (1,0%)
Imperial Academy 31 (0,9%)
University of Caille 28 (0,8%)
Aliastra 25 (0,8%)
Federal Navy Academy 25 (0,8%)
Caldari Provisions 24 (0,7%)
Novafox Shipyards 23 (0,7%)
Paramount Commerce 20 (0,6%)
Lowsec Border Marshals 18 (0,5%)
Republic Military School 18 (0,5%)
Hedion University 17 (0,5%)
Aperture Harmonics 16 (0,5%)
Pator Tech School 16 (0,5%)
Rapalje 16 (0,5%)
Republic University 15 (0,5%) 15 (0,5%)
Swedish Aerospace Inc 15 (0,5%)
Volition Cult 15 (0,5%)
Brutor Tribe 14 (0,4%)
Ministry of War 14 (0,4%)
Blue Republic 13 (0,4%)
Native Freshfood 13 (0,4%)
Red Federation 13 (0,4%)
Battle Force Industries 12 (0,4%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 12 (0,4%)
I'm So Meta Even This Acronym 12 (0,4%)
Macabre Votum 12 (0,4%)
Squaddies 12 (0,4%)
Aura of Darkness 11 (0,3%)
Man Eating Bears 11 (0,3%)
Tribuo Quod Victum 11 (0,3%)
Ferocious Felines 10 (0,3%)
Knights of Kador 10 (0,3%)
Midnight Elites 10 (0,3%)
Perkone 10 (0,3%)
Royal Amarr Institute 10 (0,3%)
Sebiestor Tribe 10 (0,3%)

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