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1. [DRIFTERS+BONUS] Drifters + "The Hunter and The Healer" - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Ravasta Helugo wrote: Bobb Bobbington wrote: No I mean what if, in the explosion, whatever caused the star to explode was sucked into one of the wormholes generated by the explosion, sending it into Capsuleer space and giving the Jove a he...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2015.02.23 09:11:38
2. Paladin - Pulse or Beams for LvL 4? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Grytok wrote: The Bastion-module doen't make you immune to NOS/neuts tho. That's exactly the reason why I'm not sure about the Pulses. T2 Pulses, period. bastion mids: MJD , 2 TC with tracking speed, MWD (or if you are good at vector math, ...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2015.02.14 13:21:28
3. Sticky:Dev Blog - A new look for EVEGÇÖs UI GÇô feedback needed! - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
If there's no full user customization for BOTH, colors and transparency, this will be useless to me as a change. I have my current setup like it is for a reason, if I can't recreate it with this new one, that's it, I'm gone. (Hint: it's do with e...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2014.11.07 19:49:13
4. Announcement:Account Management Issues - Friday 13th - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Since I updated to dev version of Chrome I noticed this: [blocked] The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from ',600&subset=latin,cyrilli...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.12.13 11:07:00
5. faction Missions Galore - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
You got worked over by the RNG.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.11.28 07:28:00
6. Fitting Challenge: Highest DPS - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Zor'katar wrote: TheMercenaryKing wrote: [Vindicator, Max DPS fit] Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone ...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.11.20 22:31:00
7. rubicon kronos pve - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
4x T2 425mm 1x Bastion 1x MJD 1x 100MN MWD (pick your favorite flavor) 2x Tracking Computer (again pick your favorite flavor) 1x Damage Control 2 2x EANM (again pick your favorite flavor) 3x Faction MFS 1x LAR (again pick your favorite flavor) ...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.11.15 10:33:00
8. [NEWS] Empire Navies put out call for capsuleer assistance - in Intergalactic Summit [original thread]
Short and simple, we (as in the ones mostly living in high security space) got betrayed. Had the navies actually had the balls to do this correctly, we would have had the support of bridging titans and proper fleet organization.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.11.08 09:18:00
9. Question to the EMPIRE Navies. - in Live Events Discussion [original thread]
Now, we CAPSULEERS tried to do YOUR job. Thanks to your incompetence it was an obvious failure. So the question I got: You own multiple TITANS with bridging capability, why the HELL were we not bridged into the target system?
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.11.07 20:50:00
10. Probably the WORST event I've wasted my time on in my 10 years of eve - in Live Events Discussion [original thread]
Should have not bothered, great way to ruin the event for a lot of people...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.11.07 20:15:00
11. Sticky:[Winter] Marauder rebalancing - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Anize Oramara wrote: *snip a wall-o'-text* omg I just had a thought. The paladin will absolutely OWN this mission Well, Paladin, Kronos OR Vargur will absolutely _murder_ this mission with bastion: Warp in @0 -> Bastion -> Shoot tri...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.10.30 19:18:00
12. Marauders and drones... - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
For missioning, apart from probably killing those pesky Spider II drones, combat drones are now utterly useless. Atleast I don't see any use for them with my Paladin.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.10.09 20:41:00
13. Rubicon Marauder web changes - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Paladin, T2 Tachs, no mods affecting optimal + navy multifreq = 99km optimal, perfect for the MJD :p
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.10.09 09:04:00
14. Rubicon vs X Rebirth: I saw what you did CCP! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Well, it's actually clever to do the release then, because quite a number of capsuleers (me included) will vanish into X: Universe anyway for a while ;)
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.09.28 16:54:00
15. Sticky:[Winter] Marauder rebalancing - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
If CCP really wants to see these hulls more in PVP, make them worth the roughly ONE AND HALF BILLION price tag. Otherwise the only time you'll see them in the dog eat cat world of current PVP is when the ultrarich nullsec alliances decide to see i...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.09.04 18:20:00
16. Sticky:[Winter] Marauder rebalancing - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
The first iteration had me excited... This new one is total bull, who needs a web anyway when NOTHING survives to web range? My Paladin even as it currently is on TQ can kill pretty much everything with _TACH BEAMS_ before the rats get closer than...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.09.04 17:01:00
17. Which forum background do you guys use? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
What background? As in I don't have any image there, just takes more resources on page loading to have a 2.2k x 1k picture load up... Stylish ftw.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.08.06 11:06:00
18. Incursions Start here. - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
Eida La wrote: Looking to try something new; is anyone willing to take a look at my character and give me an idea of how to train and a rough timeline until a FC would find me relevant? Obviously, I have limited experience with BS size ships. ...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.07.24 08:33:00
19. How fast will tidi work? - in EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion [original thread]
Lakitel wrote: Lmao Yes ^ Or Yackaty Sax, that would be funny :D Well... As Lall said, "Benny Hill" music, aka Yackety Sax, that piece became famous from Benny Hill show.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.07.24 08:17:00
20. How to get carebears to pvp - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
I've been on both sides of the fence, from solo/small gang/huge ass sov capital fleets pvp to solo/incursion fleet pve. The thing is as many have said: PvP as it is, is not fun anymore. It's not really pvp at all, it's more like PvG (Player vs G...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2013.07.22 19:38:00
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