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1. How reinforced can a system or node be ? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Nicholas Barker Even if it means declare the system unenterable/unleaveable? and then spending 5 minutes transfering it before reopening it. No forced logging off (so you don't get people rushing it the moment it comes onlin...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2010.01.14 00:47:00
2. Playing EVE On Multiple Computers - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
You are talking about the cache / settings folders. Where they are located can be found in this cache clearing wiki article , but I would advice finding the specific files you need and not copy over the entire directories. Things like resolution ...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2010.01.11 15:18:00
3. DB-optimization in huge instant sell-orders - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Doesn't the NPC price change depending on how many buy orders were filled? That would make the stack option useless in one go. Plus, it would add an extra column that wouldn't be used in 90% of the sells, tush adding extra overhead itsself. That ...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2010.01.11 15:11:00
4. socket closed (belkin wireless routers)"FIX" - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Pretty funny that that works considering you don't need NAT for eve to work in the first place... Must be some belkin failure right there. I would advice you to just get another router so you don't open up your whole pc to the entire internet and ...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2010.01.10 01:10:00
5. Cant update from 101786 to 120813 - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Have you tried re-downloading it? tried the fallback installer? Tried downloading the patch on another PC and then run it? Possible causes if it's crc related: Fail ISP that corrupts downloads, failing memory, failing harddisk, or a failing CPU....
- by Sleepkevert - at 2010.01.09 15:10:00
6. Installers are not working - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Have you tried running a memory test though? Sounds like one of your memory stripes may be corrupting it. That or the internet connection, in which case you could try the official torrent client since that has has checking per piece and will re-do...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2010.01.08 22:54:00
7. Eve-O, Windows 7 and cache settings. - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Running with the /end /lua switch by any chance? Win7 has a new securer policy when it comes to installing and editing files in the program files directory. Running it as a normal user only grants a program read rights in progam files, hence your ...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2010.01.08 22:49:00
8. NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision & 3D Monitors - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Edited by: Sleepkevert on 31/12/2009 19:46:07 Edited by: Sleepkevert on 31/12/2009 19:45:16 The only problem with shutter glasses that you need a high enough refresh rate or it becomes _really_ tiresome to the eyes. Currently movies are al...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.31 19:44:00
9. PLEASE FIX THE TRANQUILITY TO SISI PATCH - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Originally by: Nilrequin when you tell your user base it's not broken as long as you fix the code yourself you know something has gone terribly wrong. IE shove your link back up your drone bay. How about you help testing the repair.exe t...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.31 19:30:00
10. Help with a texture problem - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Try reverting back to an older driver version as suggested, and then clear out your cache (since the corrupted images will still cached untill then). I remember seeing this before and people fixing it with reverting to catalyst drivers. _ Add y...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.29 17:59:00
11. Account suspended...Orly?! - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Originally by: Gemron I have filed 2 petitions already. No reply yet. File ONE. Filing another will not get you ahead in the queue and you are only making the queue longer for the rest... _ Add your own line!
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.29 17:57:00
12. Remember that codec issue I had? - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
What file are you trying to play anyways? (If possible, get some info on what codecs the files uses using mediainfo ) Are you sure directx and the likes is installed? You'll need a decent output as well next to the input codecs. What output meth...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.28 14:55:00
13. How do you deal with a player that doesn't care about isk or his ships - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Edited by: Sleepkevert on 19/12/2009 23:21:49 9/10 good effort but the buddy list thing gave you away. _ Add your own line!
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.19 23:22:00
14. G19 Eve applications? what are there? - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
I'v not heard of any official support, but there wasn't any for the G15 either, so probably not. I know EVEmon supports the G15, no idea about the G19 though. _ Add your own line!
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.18 13:06:00
15. Low FPS with Zotac Geforce GTX 295 - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Edited by: Sleepkevert on 16/12/2009 10:50:15 Try running everything at stock speeds. Too high overclocks can cause your graphic card to actually perform worse... Oh, and give disabeling SLI a try. _ Add your own line!
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.16 10:50:00
16. Still can not log in with new patch! - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Originally by: Ferahgo Haha, I actually thought of that, but I'm one of those types that use the same username/pass for just about everything and not really in the mood to change my pass. While were here discussing that, want any help fi...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.15 21:06:00
17. Still can not log in with new patch! - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Originally by: Ferahgo Edited by: Ferahgo on 15/12/2009 18:50:13 YAY! Week 3 and still can not play? Hmm, subscription canceled! F this, I'm done. And I'm sorry, you can not have my stuff because I am not able to get into the game. ...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.15 20:55:00
18. Windows 7 requires a reboot to play? - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Originally by: Xlykca Flynda CCP, I can update any driver on my computer without requiring a reboot these days - Why do I have to reboot to patch a game? Reboots are usualy nessicary in order to update files that were in use at the tim...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.15 20:52:00
19. Windows 7, new patch & graphics - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Pictures usualy say more then a thousand words in these cases. Can you take a screenshot and link it here? _ Add your own line!
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.15 20:47:00
20. Why cant the servers handle 1000 - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Remember when we whined about 200 not being able to fight lagless? Aaah, the good old days.. Lag will always be an issue, when the servers can handle 100, people bring 200, when they can handle 250, people will bring 500, etc, etc. Yes it's bad...
- by Sleepkevert - at 2009.12.14 11:35:00
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