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1. Rorqual Mininig Yield with Mining Drones II - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Couple of things: 1. Drone travel time. Mining drones are not sentry drones. They Move to the asteroid, Mine, return to your ship. Rinse and repeat over and over. Closer you are to the asteroid and faster the drone speed, the more you mine. 2....
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2017.01.14 22:32:44
2. Sticky:This Week in EVE #102 - Week 49/2015 - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Please see this post too.
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.12.04 17:15:51
3. Farewell to my friend / Heartfelt thank you to the Eve Community - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
As many of you have heard on Facebook, Twitter, and the various sharings from Eve players, there was the unfortunate passing of Robert Adams A.K.A. Photon Torpedo. Robert was one of the 14 victims in San Bernardino where he was at a party with h...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.12.04 17:09:09
4. Changes to gridsize - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Assuming the size of grids is going to be like 1 million KM, it would be amazing if in this release or next to add an overview filter option or tab to filter out select items over X distance. This means if we see ships and stuff on the overview th...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.11.13 20:04:28
5. Sticky:Dev blog: Reworking Capital Ships: And thus it begins! - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
I would absolutely love it if you redesigned dreads to have 6-8 guns. And as for the 1-2k damage in siege (if i read correctly) on those subcap targeting turrets, it is not worth it.. 3-4k would be reasonable due to cost/damage scaling as many bat...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.10.25 21:33:09
6. Sticky:Dev blog: Tranquility Tech III - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
l0rd carlos wrote: Quote: What you see here are 2x IBM SAN volume controllers which govern and control 2x IBM V5000 controllers which store all the data with 3x expansion shelves that house 9x800 GB SSD's with a grand total of 83x 1.2TB 10K...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.10.13 18:16:58
7. Hyperdunking removal - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
afkalt wrote: Masao Kurata wrote: It's a tactic that anyone is free to employ... except for gankers. It's also a sudden reversal of their official opinion from January . Because never have they changed their minds before. Hobo-bubblin...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.10.09 17:32:42
8. Hyperdunking removal - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
What you refer to as a "Tactic" is a "Loophole" to the Devs. They merely fixed the loophole.
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.10.08 17:44:56
9. Sticky:[Vanguard] 350k added skillpoints for new characters! - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Not a bad change I guess. I mean, it does kind of suck for some of us vets who had to learn all of this stuff and plan accordingly - AFTER LEARNING SKILLS! I mean, 300k exp is.....i think 2015 sp/hour is a good average (forgetting actual numbers...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.24 18:48:04
10. Sticky:Dev blog: Citadels, sieges and you v2 - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
So after reading a bit, it seems people are concerned of the self defensive options available on the citadels. I think it is important to be able to fit guns or some form of EWAR on it. The thought of a false sense of security is kind of true and ...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.19 22:27:06
11. Sticky:Dev blog: Citadels, sieges and you v2 - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Alexander Tekitsu wrote: Aryth wrote: Alexander Tekitsu wrote: Ben Ishikela wrote: Any way, If the citadel is beyond its vulnerable timer but the repair timer is still on, then ... .. someone could sacrifice a stealthbomber every 30min...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.18 18:22:01
12. [Idea] Unique ship skins for level 5 mastery certificates. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Supported. makes it kind of unique to get them. Right now it is like "ugh, why bother training all these skills to V when the combined bonus is 1%". 448 dps with all level 4, 451 with all 5.
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.18 15:17:18
13. Sticky:[Vanguard] Combat and Navy BC Rebalance - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
HiddenPorpoise wrote: Why do they all have the exact same cap regen? That is Average regen, look at the regen time and the cap pool.
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.18 12:59:22
14. Sticky:Dev blog: Looking behind and looking ahead - update from CCP Sea... - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
I am so glad about this. There seems to be a huge disconnect after each "expansion" we have been having for a year. It started out great with things like Jump Fatigue and other early big changes then it just started looking like "CRAP WE NEED SOME...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.18 00:16:23
15. Sticky:Dev blog: Citadels, sieges and you v2 - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Couple of thoughts: Use Entosis Link to disable guns on a Citadel (should they be added) Use Entosis Link to Raise the DPS Mitigation cap. Capital re-balance - Dread damage vs BS+BC and an out of siege damage buff.
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.17 16:00:46
16. POS Reaction Link questions - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Tau Cabalander wrote: For what it is worth, coupling arrays are better for joining structures when you don't need storage. They also are great for holding low volume materials, like minerals. But in this situation, with booster manufacturin...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.16 22:27:10
17. POS Reaction Link questions - in Science and Industry [original thread]
So I let a pos run for a few hours on SISI with 2 reactions. Neither ran. One had only the pure booster as an output link and never entered Online-starting up or other production states. The other had Online Starting up but the process never began...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.16 22:10:26
18. POS Reaction Link questions - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Tau Cabalander wrote: Can you make a biochemical reaction have an output targeted to an anchored/offline silo and chose to lose the materials? Wouldn't even need to route it to an actual structure. What do you mean by this? From what I ...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.16 18:51:33
19. POS Reaction Link questions - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Hey Guys, I am hoping someone can answer a couple of questions I have that will save me hours of testing. In a BioChem reaction like Standard Bluepills, we have 2 inputs and 2 outputs. 100 water and 20 Amber Cyto in and 95 water and 15 Pure STD B...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.16 13:06:40
20. Sticky:Notice: Investgation and Prize Item Freeze for Teams in ATXIII - in EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion [original thread]
Wow....I must say CCP, I am actually surprised you cared to do something. Usually Meta gaming like this is approved. Granted I don't know if there was any "cheating" involved such as a true A or B team, but I did hear about two teams collaborating...
- by TheMercenaryKing - at 2015.09.15 23:46:20
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