Statistics for thread
Tier 2 Battlecruiser discussion
General statistics  
Total posts 1113
First post 2006-10-26 10:17:00
Last post 2006-11-29 10:14:00
Duration 34 days (active period), 6710 days (since first post)
Daily average 32,7 posts/day (active period), 0,2 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 291 638
Longest post Derran (6999 characters, posted 2006-11-06 20:25:00)
Average post length 1 160,5 chars/post
Unique authors 286 (avg 3,9 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
keepiru 102 (9,2%)
Black Scorpio 50 (4,5%)
Goumindong 46 (4,1%)
Alex Harumichi 38 (3,4%)
Ithildin 32 (2,9%)
Ath Amon 31 (2,8%)
Aramendel 25 (2,2%)
Udyr Vulpayne 19 (1,7%)
Areconus 15 (1,3%)
Grimpak 15 (1,3%)
Heelay Ashrum 14 (1,3%)
Atar 13 (1,2%)
Zixxa 13 (1,2%)
Aki Yamato 12 (1,1%)
Kalhystia 12 (1,1%)
Sniser 12 (1,1%)
Akiman 11 (1,0%)
2SecondsTilMidnight 11 (1,0%)
Calculon 11 (1,0%)
Kruel 10 (0,9%)
murder one 10 (0,9%)
Zarch AlDain 10 (0,9%)
Centurin 9 (0,8%)
Derran 9 (0,8%)
HankMurphy 9 (0,8%)
Kaden Seer 9 (0,8%)
Logan Xerxes 9 (0,8%)
Nyxus 9 (0,8%)
Aphotic Raven 8 (0,7%)
Bartholomeus Crane 8 (0,7%)
Jaedar Metron 8 (0,7%)
Jim McGregor 8 (0,7%)
Nebuli 8 (0,7%)
Nonoffensive 8 (0,7%)
Temo Jick 8 (0,7%)
Butter Dog 7 (0,6%)
cy4n1d3 7 (0,6%)
Imode 7 (0,6%)
James Draekn 7 (0,6%)
Nalshiga Dshoayo 7 (0,6%)
Pattern Clarc 7 (0,6%)
Protunia 7 (0,6%)
Azerrad InExile 6 (0,5%)
Alek Row 6 (0,5%)
Galea Scorpii 6 (0,5%)
Hllaxiu 6 (0,5%)
Keitaro Baka 6 (0,5%)
Obsidian Hawk 6 (0,5%)
Shayla Sh'inlux 6 (0,5%)
Chronojam 5 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 756 (67,9%)
Namtz'aar k'in 45 (4,0%)
Anarchy Empire 37 (3,3%)
Morsus Mihi 24 (2,2%)
The Corporation Alliance 23 (2,1%)
Lotka Volterra 22 (2,0%)
Ascendant Frontier 20 (1,8%)
Chimaera Pact 15 (1,3%)
Ushra'Khan 14 (1,3%)
Brotherhood Of Steel 13 (1,2%)
Rule of Three 12 (1,1%)
Firmus Ixion 11 (1,0%)
The Shadow Ascension 11 (1,0%)
Interstellar Starbase Syndicate 10 (0,9%)
R i s e 10 (0,9%)
Eternal Rangers of Terror 9 (0,8%)
Babylon Project 6 (0,5%)
Confederation of Independent Corporations 5 (0,4%)
Freelancer Alliance 5 (0,4%)
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate 5 (0,4%)
Axiom Empire 4 (0,4%)
Dusk and Dawn 4 (0,4%)
Imperium Alliance 4 (0,4%)
Ka-Tet 4 (0,4%)
Mercenary Coalition 3 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 376 (33,8%)
Supernova Security Systems 102 (9,2%)
Merch Industrial 46 (4,1%)
Gradient 42 (3,8%)
The Corporation 32 (2,9%)
Queens of the Stone Age 25 (2,2%)
PIE Inc. 20 (1,8%)
Cereal Killerz 16 (1,4%)
Celestial Horizon Corp. 15 (1,3%)
Santhe Sienar Technologies 14 (1,3%)
Perpetua Umbra 13 (1,2%)
4S Corporation 12 (1,1%)
Shiva 12 (1,1%)
The Shadow Order 11 (1,0%)
Art of War 10 (0,9%)
Blunt Force Syndicate 10 (0,9%)
Center for Advanced Studies 10 (0,9%)
CRICE Corporation 10 (0,9%)
Friends of Everyone 10 (0,9%)
Shinra 10 (0,9%)
Sturmgrenadier Inc 10 (0,9%)
GALAXIAN 9 (0,8%)
Khumatari Holdings 9 (0,8%)
Pelennor Swarm 9 (0,8%)
Deadly Alliance 8 (0,7%)
Hadean Drive Yards 8 (0,7%)
Sniggerdly 8 (0,7%)
The Priory 8 (0,7%)
Band of Builders Inc. 7 (0,6%)
The Dead Miners Society 7 (0,6%)
X.E.N.O. 7 (0,6%)
Babylon Scientific and Industrial Enterprises 6 (0,5%)
Horadrim 6 (0,5%)
Statler and Waldorf 6 (0,5%)
Aeon Industries 5 (0,4%)
Mercenary Forces 5 (0,4%)
Republic Military School 5 (0,4%)
0utbreak 4 (0,4%)
Asguard Security Service 4 (0,4%)
ISS Logistics 4 (0,4%)
Omacron Militia 4 (0,4%)
Rampage Eternal 4 (0,4%)
Caldari Provisions 3 (0,3%)
g guild 3 (0,3%)
Imperial Space Corporation 3 (0,3%)
Karjala Inc. 3 (0,3%)
Nabaal Construction and Industrials Corp 3 (0,3%)
Poisoned Heart 3 (0,3%)
Red Dwarf Mining Corps 3 (0,3%)

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